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Protesters break curfew


Greetings, QuickTake readers! In this edition: One-third of U.S. unemployment payouts haven't arrived, Biden inches closer to the nomination, and why NASA thinks the sun is waking up.

Protesters rally despite curfews

Undeterred by curfews and President Trump's threat of military force, thousands of protesters in the U.S. streamed back into the streets Tuesday for peaceful rallies in New York City, Los Angeles, Houston, St. Paul, Minnesota, Columbia, South Carolina, and Orlando, Florida.

New York's curfew took force at 8 p.m., a day after scores of stores in the Midtown shopping district were smashed and looted. In Brooklyn, thousands marched and rode bicycles, chanting "No justice, no peace" as police choppers buzzed overhead.

In Washington, D.C., large crowds of protesters marched on public streets for a fifth day of demonstrations, many outside Lafayette Square across the street from the White House, defying the city's 7 p.m. curfew.

Curfews in Chicago and surrounding suburbs started between 8 p.m. to 9 p.m., and in Southern California, Los Angeles County officials enacted a 6 p.m. curfew, while Beverly Hills and Santa Monica started enforcing them at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. local time.


  • Minnesota's Department of Human Rights filed a civil rights charge against the Minneapolis Police Department in George Floyd's death. 

$ignificant figures

$146 billion. How much the U.S. Treasury Department has dispersed in unemployment benefits to Americans over the last three months, leaving nearly one-third of those who have lost their jobs without coverage.

1,991. Joe Biden needs that many delegates to formally clinch the Democratic presidential nomination as voters in seven states and the District of Columbia held primary elections likely putting him within reach.

169%. Zoom's revenue increased that much to $328.2 million in the period that ended April 30, as quarterly sales leapfrogged estimates amid a surge in demand for its video-conference service during the pandemic.

Highly quotable

"Reprehensible." The Catholic archbishop of Washington panned Trump's visit to a Saint John Paul II shrine after Tuesday's violent dispersal of protesters so he could stage a walk to St. John's Episcopal Church.

"Fanning the flames of hate." Biden blasted Trump's handling of George Floyd protests, saying the U.S. is "crying out for leadership to recognize the pain of communities that have had a knee on their neck for too long."

"Neutralize." Austria unveiled plans to turn Hitler's birthplace into a police station Tuesday, saying, "a new chapter will be opened for the future from the birth house of a dictator and mass murderer."

This is not normal

Vanishing. Scorched by climate change and drained by industrial farms, Australia's most important river system, the Murray-Darling Basin, is nearing a collapse that could spell environmental and economic disaster.

The future is now

Waking up. NASA scientists observed the sun's biggest solar flare since 2017, signaling a potential return to increased solar activity that could be accompanied by harmful radiation and mess with electrical grids.

What's good

Flip the switch. Tulane University researchers discovered how to "turn off" a gene that causes the rapid growth of an aggressive form of breast cancer, which could lead to more targeted treatments.

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BTW: Canadian PM Justin Trudeau paused for more than 20 seconds after a reporter asked his opinion of Trump's military response. See it.

Thanks for reading!
-Andrew Mach


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