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Lockdown beyond April 14 a possibility


Sat, Apr 11, 2020 | 11:01 AM IST

Lockdown beyond April 14 a possibility

The current speculation is that an extension of about two weeks is under consideration....

The world now faces a new 'Great Depression'

Given the containment measures to slow the spread of the virus, the world economy is taking a substantial hit....

Covid-19 throws a wrench into India's disinvestment plans

India has put disinvestment plans – both strategic and non-strategic – on the back-burner....

Virus crisis is a chance for India to finally reform its economy

The lockdown is likely to result in recession, millions of job losses and possible starvation among the poor....

What it looks like when 1.3 billion people stay home

Absent the throngs of buses, two-wheelers, rickshaws and hand-drawn carts, birdsong and clean air is back. ...

The only Indian tycoon who got richer under lockdown

D-Mart's rivals have not benefited as much under the same circumstances....

Who are India's coronavirus victims?

Most common co-morbidities among those who died so far were diabetes and hypertension....

Select companies likely to recover fast after lockdown

Stocks in power, telecom & hospitals could benefit as they may see a quick recovery after the lockdown ends....

Tata companies told to conserve cash, go slow on capex

Tata Sons has undertaken a swift review of all group companies amid the ongoing Covid-19 crisis ....

Trump changes course, backs India's position on hydroxychloroquine

On Tuesday, India called for depoliticisation of export of key drugs essential for combating Covid....

HUL sales, factory output 40% of daily run rate due to disruptions
How to withdraw from EPF if you need money due to coronavirus
No penalty, revival fees for PPF, RD and other small savings schemes
Covid-19 fallout: Rate transmission a far cry despite liquidity overhang

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