The money is flowing to shield U.S. companies and workers from the economic fallout of the novel coronavirus, but basically nobody is keeping watch over who it goes to and, for many families, it's too little to make a dent in their bills.
Following the heated dispute over Wisconsin's election earlier this month, Republicans and Democrats are already squaring off over the terms of presidential balloting in November. Meanwhile, the pandemic is reshaping the global political landscape and will probably change the way governments use their powers for decades to come.
The effects of the virus are also showing up across societies in everything from a drop in road fatalities to restaurant owners redrawing layouts as they try to stay afloat. And questions are emerging about when the world's biggest cruise operator knew about the virus and what it did to halt the contagion.
We hope you enjoy these and more of our in-depth coverage from the past seven days in this edition of Weekend Reads.
— Michael Winfrey
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