Should you invest in dynamic asset allocation (or balanced advantage) funds? Many mutual fund advisors are recommending balanced advantage funds or dynamic asset allocation funds to their clients these days. According to these advisors, balanced advantage funds are ideal for investors to tackle the volatility in the current market. They add that the volatility is going to continue in the coming months. | How to choose a liquid fund? A liquid fund is an open-ended debt mutual fund scheme that invests in debt and money market securities with maturities of up to 91 days only. | |
TERM OF THE WEEK | | | | |
Weekly Mutual Funds Activity | Date | Equity ( Cr.) | Debt ( Cr.) | Gross Purchase | Gross Sale | Net Pur./Sale | Gross Purchase | Gross Sale | Net Pur./Sale | | 27-08-2018 | 2936.45 | 2197.05 | 739.40 | 10746.51 | 7273.60 | 3472.91 | 24-08-2018 | 2502.17 | 1964.42 | 537.75 | 8034.52 | 5333.63 | 2700.89 | 23-08-2018 | 3242.88 | 3007.76 | 235.12 | 7879.84 | 7642.78 | 237.06 | 21-08-2018 | 2936.41 | 2620.34 | 316.07 | 5032.00 | 4946.47 | 85.53 | 20-08-2018 | 2608.57 | 2045.77 | 562.80 | 6566.02 | 7081.51 | -515.49 | 17-08-2018 | 2282.37 | 2179.50 | 102.87 | 29.16 | 81.99 | -52.83 | 16-08-2018 | 3022.31 | 2880.33 | 141.98 | 5756.06 | 3886.28 | 1869.78 | Click here to view all WMF >> | |
Top Mutual Funds of the week (5-Star Rating) | |
Top Mutual Funds (All Ratings) | |
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