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Big game hunter trampled to death by elephant in Namibia

The elephant charged before the hunting group were able to find a spot to stop and shoot the animal

An Argentinian man has been killed in Namibia after he was trampled by an elephant, local media report.

The Namibia Press Agency said the hunter, identified as 46-year-old Jose Monzalvez, was killed on Saturday afternoon in a private wildlife area 70 kilometers (43 miles) northwest of the small town of Kalkfeld.

The agency said Monzalvez, who worked for an oil company, was with another Argentine and three Namibians when he was killed. It says one of the elephants charged before the group was able to find a spot to aim and shoot.

The report says Monzalvez had a hunting permit with him and that relatives have been informed of his death.

A well-known South African hunter was crushed to death by an elephant in Zimbabwe earlier this year when the animal was shot by a member of his group.

Theunis Botha, 51, had been leading a hunting group in Gwai when they discovered a group of elephants, some of which were pregnant.

The hunter fired at the animals after three elephants began stampeding towards him. A fourth elephant then ran at the hunter and lifted him up with its trunk. A member of the hunting group then shot the animal, which collapsed on Mr Botha, killing him.


Tough. Elephant 1, Human 0. Good score!

20 minutes ago


Well done that elephant !!

52 minutes ago


ha..ha..ha..don't need to read more, the headline itself made my WEEK. INSTANT KARMA...he went to Namibia to pay for his killing crimeSsss. One down, many more to go and way to go MR/MRS elephant. going to try my luck on euro lott now,  feeling damn GOOD.

54 minutes ago


The pathetic excuse that trophy hunters are raising money for ‘conservation’ is akin to Jimmy Saville raising funds for child welfare or being elected president of the NSPCC. Prince Philip used to hunt tigers from the back of an elephant after luring them with tethered goats, and was elected president ofthe WWF.  Many believe that the panda was chosen as it its logo because it was the only creature Philip hadn’t killed.Those who care about wildlife should donate instead to rescue organisations such as the David Sheldrick Trust rather than conservation charities which put the ‘con’ into conservation.

Most of the money raised by trophy hunting goes into the pockets of Mugabe and other corrupt dictators. Mugabe and his pals ate a whole zoo for his 90th birthday bash.

1 hour ago


Will light a candle for that poor elephant. A glass of wine for the removal of the "hunter".

3 hours ago

Honey Epsom

The elephant's motive remains unclear.

5 hours ago

Rob E

Good. Big Game Hunters deserve to die.

5 hours ago


A lot of deluded hateful people out there trying to compare an animals life to a humans life.

Hypocrites considering most of them eat meat

4 replies

1 hour ago

Joshua Bellow

Humans can be the most cruel and vile of all Earths

creatures .

1 hour ago


I shoot but eat what I kill. Elephant and chips is really heavy going. Don't see many in Europe now.

1 hour ago


Elephants are intelligent and social animals. They should never be hunted for mans pleasure.

47 minutes ago


hej just you compare if you ever care to, there are 750 000 000 000 humans and growing extremely fast, by the time I finished this sentence another 30 will be born. Elephants....only 150 000 and by the time I finished this sentence there will be 1 less. I dun eat meat but eating meat and killing for fun is a whole lot of difference. YOU DIG??

5 hours ago


If these so called "Big Game Hunters" had the desire to kill big game they wouldn't be so courageous to hide on the trees with powerful guns they would take on the game only with their fists. Cowards. Killing for just killing is wrong no matter the species.hope this dead dude ends up in hell

5 hours ago


No sympathy here. He got what he deserved. I'll file this one under the "good news" section of the day. If you're willing to kill for sport, then it's only fair that your victim has a chance to defend itself.

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