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Hillary Clinton fraternizing with a Nazi sympathizer (2005)


Reading this thread is like watching monkeys throw poop at each other.

I know a group that's into that


So THAT'S why she lost the election.

Sheesh, you gotta be careful who your fratinize with these days. Once that picture hits the internet it's there forever

If you really want to fuck with pretty much everybody, show them this party from just last month:

And how is that supposed to be bad? I can attend parties with people I do not like.

Doesn't necessarily mean anything but it could support the idea that these people aren't really working against each other in the first place. They're working together against an ignorant public to retain power.

This is /r/pics not /r/conspiracy please.

it involves kushner and ivanka trump, no way in hell /r/conspiracy is touching that.

Why? They're trump fans and so is /r/conspiracy.

i think you'll find any serious discussion of trump or russia conspiracies in /r/conspiracy won't happen. they don't just love trump, they love defending trump.

No Bernie.

Would you invite him to your fancy party?

O hell yeah.

You're fucking right I would.

Hell yeah.

Yeah, I need someone interesting that most people could talk to. Plus his fees all in 20k per 90 minutes.

Depends...is he going to start talking about how teen sex reduces cancer risk after a few drinks?

Says a lot that this is the worst thing you can find about him.

Some essay from the seventies...

It's a joke, not oppo research.

Worst =/= most awkward to relate at a cocktail party

It is? thats all the got on him. Why was clinton chosen again?

Anyway the issues of regular people are being shoved aside this 'show'.

The winds of time are blowing again. Names and faces will be writing history soon.

i remember when "bernie" was just some fellow on the sesame street.times have changed and we ALL need to hug our neighbors today

this'll go well

Hillary Clinton fraternizing with a KKK Wizard

Hillary's "mentor"...but he totally changed his ways, lol.

I'm not sure what you're trying to imply here, but he definitely did change his ways. So much so that the NAACP called him "a champion for civil rights and liberties"

The NAACP also sued the state of California for passing a law saying schools COULDN'T discriminate on the basis of race. They're not a civil rights organization anymore, they're a special interest group. Now they want special privileges for certain races just like the people they used to be against.

Maybe the NAACP is so morally bankrupt that they'd name zombie Hitler "a Champion for Civil Rights and Liberties" as long as he voted the way they wanted. That doesn't mean Hitler's suddenly a swell guy.

Source? I couldn't find anything easily through googling.

A pretty bold claim about one of the most well-respected civil rights organizations in the country. I know the NAACP has supported some forms of affirmative action. Is that what you're talking about, or is there something more?

Here you go: http://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-9th-circuit/1097545.html

Racial preferences in education and hiring, yes.

It would have helped if you had mentioned "affirmative action" in your original comment, since that seems to be entirely what you're talking about.

Affirmative action is obviously a politically contentious issue, and I will acknowledge that affirmative action has at times caused problems. However, to call the NAACP a "special interest group" that is "morally bankrupt" is just absurd.

The ACLU also supports affirmative action. Are they a morally bankrupt special interest group?

No, but it is wrong to support affirmative action. That's just racism.

Personally, I think that's an oversimplification of a complex issue. I'm not generally a supporter of affirmative action, but I can understand the merits when significant prejudices exist.

As I understand it, the main argument for affirmative action is that systemic discrimination against minorities exists, but that it is hard to prove that any particular hiring decision was discriminatory. Affirmative action has generally been used in an attempt to mitigate this issue.

I would agree that it's technically racism, but it's racism meant to counteract other racism in an attempt to promote equality. I'm sure there are cases where it has worked as intended, as well as cases where it has done the opposite and instead been the source of discrimination.

Racism is always wrong.

continue this thread

To the extent that they support racial preference in education and hiring, yes.

You seem to be discounting anything positive the NAACP had to say about Byrd, because of their support of affirmative action. As if affirmative action were the only thing the NAACP cared about, and that they have no ability to judge who had supported civil rights for blacks. Would you similarly dismiss anything the ACLU said?

Byrd was a public figure about whom I formed my own opinion from the public record, from the "race mongrels" letter he wrote opposing desegregation in the military to his service as a KKK Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops (which he lied about while running for office) to his statement that the Klan is needed "as never before" to his filibustering the Civil Rights Act and trying to get the FBI to investigate MLK to voting against the only two black Supreme Court nominees in history. Take a look at his Wikipedia page, the dates in particular. He fought the Civil Rights Movement tooth and nail until right up until it was obvious the 1968 bill was going to pass. Then, and only then, did he switch sides and vote for it at the 11th hour.

Byrd sure as hell didn't. It's fine for the NAACP to have supported civil rights for blacks when blacks in particular were singled out for denial of their civil rights via racial preference. What's not fine is for them to support racial preferences in favor of blacks which discriminate against other groups (such as Asians) on the basis of race, thereby violating their civil rights.

On an issue where they demonstrate a lack of principle? You bet I would. Case in point: flopping on Citizens United (they initially supported the decision) after a bunch of big-money donors complained. That makes it hard for me to take anything they say about whether money in politics is free speech seriously.

continue this thread

Let's not forget margie


Byrd later called joining the KKK "the greatest mistake I ever made."[20

Nice try, fuckface.

Still happened tho. Still was a KKK member. More than you can say about may other people.

That is a lie. She never did.

Nobody in the picture was a KKK member. There's a guy who QUIT the KKK a while ago.

Please apologize for spreading falsehoods.

You contradicted yourself. You can't quit something you were never a part of.

Also what about Margaret Sanger?

Or her husbands campaign strategy?

I have nothing to apologize for. Sorry man the DNC is the party of the KKK, Jim Crow laws, and Segregation. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican.

At the time of the picture was taken, nobody was a KKK member.

And Sanger did not say those things. http://www.snopes.com/margaret-sanger-weeds/

He didn't contradict himself. You just misinterpreted what he said. Nobody in the picture was in the KKK, because when the picture was taken, they were not in the KKK.

Also, you posted a photoshopped picture of Byrd. He was only in the KKK in his twenties. By the time he died the NAACP called him "a champion for civil rights and liberties".

Holy shit, you literally took the image from the Snopes article which directly contradicts your claim that this was made by the Clinton campaign.

And you already got called out on this bullshit.

Ah yes, the parties cannot possibly have changed over time. They must still represent the exact same beliefs that they did 50 to 150 years ago. /s

Seriously, four complete lies. What is wrong with you?

Bernie Sanders fraternizing with Nazi sympathizer fraternizer

You chose the wrong picture. He's with Hillary in that one. Don't worry. Anyone can edit their accounts.

Edit: LOL downvotes.

Salty, eh?

Hillary Clinton should be in jail.

This is why it's difficult to take the left seriously.

Meh. This is just cheap karma whoring that's mostly upvoted by kids.

The arbiter of class, right here.

One of many reasons

Nazi sympathizer...I mean really?

I could denounce Nazis... or I could say 'many sides were wrong' despite only one side having blood on its hands. I guess I'll be nice to the Nazis.

Yes, Nazi sympathizer. Literally. By definition.

Guess bike locks don't protect you from a speeding car.

antifa having no blood on their hands lmfao

Did I miss the other corpses this weekend? I only know of the one- please, if there are other corpses from that event, and you know them to be antifa-created corpses, let us know so that we can react appropriately.

I don't know about anyone killed by them. Attempts, sure, but no deaths.

Possibly. But him being and idiot does work both ways.

People with swastikas rallied this weekend and said they were doing it in Trump's name. He was explicitly asked if he denounced them and has not done so.

What if Trump said this: "Young people, be sure to avoid joining Neo-Nazi or white supremacist groups or attending their rallies because it's a mistake that'll inhibit your operations in the political arena." Would that be a sufficiently strong denunciation/repudiation?


This is a made up scenario, your weak attempt at trying to downplay the situation.

LOL "the situation"


I think it's sarcasm.

I understand the confusion though because no one has the ability of sense of humor to notice anymore.

Everyone right of Noam Chomsky is a Nazi sympathizer.

Everyone in that picture is a piece of shit

must be said that Bill Clinton is still hot and I'd screw him. I will print this pic out, crop out the ugly ones, and the ones I find loser-ish, and masturbate to him.

Bill Clinton is in that photo as well.

You're one perceptive little rascal aren't you...

I'm also seeing several potted plants and a lantern-style sconce.

The one on the far right, Tiffany if I am not mistaken.

Don't be silly, Bill's just a rapist.

Proof? Or is that Breitbart talk?

Here's his proof


I didn't know Bill was in with the Nazis.

Which one worked for the Goldwater campaign? That's right, Hillary.

He also likes BJ's from young interns

But her emails...

...were just one of the many things that made her a terrible candidate.

...as compared to a crypto-nazi who's not being so crypto about it...


Hillary lost, the only ones left talking about her are dumbfuck conservatives. We heard how much you hated her before the election, shut up about it already, nobody cares

Hillary is a Nazi too tho.......and people who think otherwise are fucking blind and stupid.

Someone please try and explain how Trump is a Nazi sympathizer, I'm curious to know how you came up with that.

He fills top positions with racists like Bannon, Sessions, and Miller. He's been endorsed by almost every white supremacists group. You're either astonishingly naive, completely obtuse, or an apologist.

His long history of not condemning their actions in strong terms.

Edit: I fucked up. Trump came out strong against David Duke and his chaotic mess of races.

Does he has to publicly condemn every bad thing in the history of ever?

No, but actually doing so when -asked- would be a good start.

He did.

I've yet to see it. I would to see it. Please provide a link. Unless it was about Charlottesville because he did not do so when -asked-.


You're having a bad day, ain'tcha buddy?

Why did you provide me a link you know I did not want? Are you trolling?

Of course I'm talking about Charlottesville. I would hate to be in a position where I'm forced to publicly condemn every bad thing whenever I was asked to. Imagine being asked being everyday. "CONDEMN NAZIS! CONDEMN PEOPLE WHO HATE TRANS! CONDEMN RAPISTS! CONDEMN DRUG CARTELS! CONDEMN PEDOPHILES"

Why do you constantly need him to say shit like that? It's fucking obvious they're bad, do you really need a public address for everything or are you just grasping at straws?

Well, I was going to say 'Too bad you're not President' but eh. You can write in complete sentences and that's far more then Trump can.

And if we can't rely on the President to publicly condemn horrible things then we can't rely on him for anything whatsoever.

P.S. He should be condemning those things every damn day.

He has better things to do than publicly condemn things that are obviously bad, in my opinion, but if you think that's how his time should be spent I can't change that.

It would improve society of Trump strongly condemned many things in many ways in a timely manner.

continue this thread


I did not see most of that. I admit to being wrong.

Wow, trump has aged a lot in 12 years.

Not believing in exercise will do that.

He really does have stumpy af fingers

How is Trump a Nazi sympathizer - Ivanka is Jewish? Most of his immediate family are connected to Jews. I feel bad for the girl, but wtf was she doing at a Nazi rally??? Same reason you shouldn't go to a BLM or Antifa rally - they are filled with extremist and slow wits who can't speak for more than 5 seconds without getting angry and saying "racist" blah blah blah. It's funny because the far left and the far want the same thing - the races to be separated.

A bear's sense of smell is about seven times greater than the best bloodhound. Hillary can smell money about seven times greater than any other politician.

Can't see a nazi sympathiser??? There is a rapist on hilary'S left though.....

I found this first when I aranged r/all by controversial.

And here's how Russia muddies the waters.

X person is bad.

Y person who isn't bad is seen with X person.

Therefore Y = X.

They did this with Hillary lying as well.

Again let's not forget who has been associated with the KKK for the last 40 years plus. A tiger never changes its stripes: Hillary Rodham Clinton.

There is no proof of that. And no, Robert Byrd is not proof, I know all about the man.

Robert is 100 proof. He used to go to KKK meetings. After elected to office and stopped being seen at the meetings but he still supported them. A tiger never changes its stripes.

So is that pack of lies the official the_donald rebuttal to this topic or did you come up with that pack of nonsense all by yourself?

No. Go on the internet while you still can and study it yourself. You'll find it.

Byrd quit the KKK.


Prove me wrong with actual links. Not vague meaningless replies.

Reply with an actual, relevant link. I dare you.

You know that's only 50%, right?

For those who believe that politics is real.

That's not her mentor, David Byrd.


David stopped -being- a KKK member. Do you know what 'stopped' means? Are you allowed to acknowledge he stopped being one?

if he was a Republican, you would claim he was going to rallies every weekend

So no. You're not allowed to acknowledge Byrd stopped being one.

Being in the KKK isn't so bad if you want to be elected as a Democrat. - Bill Clinton

That's sad. Your video didn't even have the words you claim Clinton said. And the video was not justifying shit. You've certainly packed a lot of lies into one little link. Please apologize for failing and pushing nonsense.

lol, believe whatever you want, doesn't change reality

That's not an apology. Try again.

Da fuq is dis? U kidding me? GTFO of here with this crap

Should've been Bernie.

Just in case some people didn't know...


I'm so glad this is coming out; there's no way she'll beat trump now!!!!!!1!!!! he has NEVER sunk to this level. besides, hillary clinton is the white supremacists' candidate! anyone arguing otherwise is a paid shill and fake news. cucks.

Her smile always makes me nervous

Well she married him.

Hillary married Trump?

It's all a show folks.

That's not a nice way to refer to Bill.

That's what she gets for not divorcing the DB when she found out he was screwing Monica.

Your Gay

I thought it was going to be a picture of her with someone from ACLU.

The polls hadn't told Hillary to not like him...not really fair at that point .... she was at least making money for her "charity" at that point

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