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70 Years of Independence!! - Children still Selling Flags on the Road


= 00deep00 72  8

India as a nation has failed it's many stakeholders...its scattered success in as many fields not withstanding...I love my country, but that will not stop me for telling what it is becoming, an utter mess of a nation.

= modiusoperandiDissent is the essence of Democracy! 24  4

Yeah, honestly, what exactly are people celebrating by waving flags? That even 7 decades after Independence, a mother is lynched by branding her a "witch"? That over 70 children die in a hospital?

But as BJP President Amit Shah said: such things have always been happening. He's right. Why let some deaths interfere with our celebrations? We mark 70 years of the White oppressor handing over the reigns over to the Brown oppressor. We are still prisoners of a regressive mindset and I'm sure that even the most raging jingoists amongst you all are, at some emotional introspective moments, prisoners of your own conscience.

But celebrate we must. How else can we reassure ourselves that everything is hunky dory and normal. Since its a dry day, let's remain intoxicated in our nationalism. Because we'd need to be drunk out of our senses to ignore travesties like these that are happening around us.

Log mar rahe hain. Lekin humko kya? The stock market is booming and everyone is paying taxes. The goddamn minorities have been finally shown their rightful place. Vikaas is stalking us at every step of our lives.

Celebrate, therefore, we must. So let's close our eyes and drown out the cries of the dead babies, and the mothers, and the many Junaids and the Pehlu Khans, and the Rohith Vemulas and a thousand others by singing Vande Mataram as loud as we can.


= 00deep00 7  3

Everyone has a right to celebrate... democracy gives us the right...no complaints regarding that..but my only wish is to see this nation reach its potential....happy independence Day to you


= modiusoperandiDissent is the essence of Democracy! 6  3

    but my only wish is to see this nation reach its potential

Same! Wishes to you as well!


= AnAliveNothing -2  3

    Yeah, honestly, what exactly are people celebrating by waving flags?

What the fuck is wrong with you? We are celebrating because we got Independence on the day 15th Aug 1947. We are remembering the sacrifice people made to get us independence. You are such a pessimist.


= ricouer -2  2

You just need an excuse don't you.


= socialcadabra 0  4

The grass is always greener on the other side. If you ask any country's people they will tell you the exact same thing about their country.


= Raja_Rancho 3  1 hour ago

Bull fucking shit. No country is more of a shit show than India.


= BetatestonePunjab 7  4

Not true my friend


= 00deep00 1 point 3

Not saying that the grass is greener on the other side...just lamenting to the fact that we are nowhere near our potential. I love my country as much as you do, and imo that gives me the right to see through it's shortcomings..


= socialcadabra -1  2

Our potential, as other learned folks here have commented, was plundered by the British. It takes way more than 70 years to break out of the chains of being plundered and subjected to war crimes, like how we as a country suffered under the British.

A good way to measure this would be to realistically see how other large countries are doing post independence from British. I won't say Hong Kong because they are a terribly small country with barely a tenth of the diversity of India.

Look at South Africa, while some cities are good looking to the eyes, the villages are rife with poverty.

India is probably one of the most diverse countries in the world yet we are constantly progressing.


= karmalife0 28  9

60 Children

= The-Shash 25  5

This kills me at night. This kills me at bars. This kills me at movie theaters. This kills me when I have fun.

I feel helpless that I can't do anything. I donate, but what else. I am too far to make a difference. What can I do to stop this?

Are we progressing as a society when people any where in the world are suffering?

Please let me know if there is something we can do to accelerate the elimination of poverty.

Growing up, my family never bought stuff from the streets so we wouldn't have bad habits. Later on, a friend showed us that buying stuff from these people is a good form of charity. Do not bargain with them and pay the price and then some. They are not rikshawalas who may cheat you(even then I would be fine, I was charged 100rs for a 20rs trip in the freezing mornings of Blore, I was angry first now I am fine with it.), this group needs development.

= ricouer 0  2

Next time when you see a kid like that, adopt him.


= sridhar_thiru 9  6

Explains all. India @ 71!

= libdemind 5  5

Sad part is the government in the guise of ending child labor amended the law to allow family labour and keep children out of school, instead of spending on education and health spends disproportionately on defence and even there it fails miserably. And we want them to chant Bharat mata ki jai !

= newinvestor0908 6  4

this kid should be at home/school...not selling flags..ffs

= justafanpassingbyIndia 4  3

r/India is brutal. Dropping truthbombs. Damn guys it hurts. It really does.

Saare Jahan se achha nahin hai hindostan humara.????

= Bhosdi_Waala3149 7643 5471 4  5


= suraj1989 3  5

:( someone please adopt him

= aarplusbee 3  5

these kids are really good at marketing, with nationalism at its peak I saw many of them selling bigger versions of the flag. In some places on the main road (like on ring road near moolchand in Delhi) they had tied around 20-30 flags all together which at first seemed like Independence day decoration by the govt.

= ricouer 13  5

What's wrong with the picture? Its just a young entrepreneur scratching his forehead.

= Rockettech5 6  3

Shhh.... People get extra patriotic these days of the year. Don't care about any of this rest of the year. Let them show they care.


= ricouer -1  2

Exactly... I fail to see why we're all so sad. A little kid is learning to make a living for himself at a young age. He is gaining skills that will help him when he grows up, and contributing to family income at the same time.

People are too emotional these days.


= boredmonkEternal Optimist 6  5

70 years of independence, and we still haven't been able to stop slavery in our homes and roads.

= socialcadabra 3  4

It took the USA - a country with vast Land and natural resources and much lower population - well over 100 years to abolish slavery. As long as the population remains unchecked we will struggle to abolish slavery and poverty.


= OfficerPlonks 2  3

Exactly - there is so much negativity but we are centuries behind other nations in terms of independence. When the British arrived India was responsible 20+% of world GDP and they left us completely broken and impoverished. Turning things around will take time. It's not like there aren't millions of people living in poverty in the US and West


= boredmonkEternal Optimist 1 point 4

Yeah, this is what pushes me the keep moving forward.


= ricouer 0  2

How is this slavery?


= boredmonkEternal Optimist 3  2

Child labour.


= ricouer 1 point 2

The kid is standing on the road selling flags.


= boredmonkEternal Optimist 5  2

You are not getting the point. Please read the Global Slavery Index, which India tops. Forced labour and begging are subsets of modern day slavery.

That child isn't selling flags in the heat barefooted because he likes it and passionate about roadside entrepreneurship,


= tyler_durden999 5  6

Our children/next generation should be our top priority. We are literally killing them :(

= back_to_basic34 4  5

OP, you could have bought all flags .

= Kovindmy pronouns he/him/his 4  6

And we have this useless, basically terrorist government doing nothing!

= bs_dhani 1 point 3

70 years; 60 kids UP and Bihar's importance in India's politics not in development

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