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The real, ugly story of Trump’s taxes

Bloomberg Opinion Today

Trump's Taxes Show He's a National Security Threat — Timothy L. O'Brien

In a tour de force of hard-won reporting, the New York Times has put numerical clothing on what we've known about President Donald Trump for decades — that, at best, he's a haphazard businessmanhuman billboard and serial bankruptcy artist who gorges on debt he may have a hard time repaying.

The Times, in a news story published Sunday evening that disclosed years of the president's tax returns, also put a lot of clothing on things we didn't know. Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes in 2016, the year he was elected president, and the same amount the following year, when he entered the White House. In many years recently he hasn't paid anything at all. He has played so fast and loose with the taxman that he's entangled in an audit. He paid his daughter Ivanka lush consulting fees that he deducted as a business expense even though she helped him manage the Trump Organization. And he's taken questionable tax write-offs on everything from getting his hair coifed to managing his personal residences.

Step away from the tragicomic tawdriness and grift that the tax returns define, however, and focus on what they reveal about Trump as the most powerful man in the world and occupant of the Oval Office.

Read the whole thing.

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This is the Weekend Edition of Bloomberg Opinion Today, a roundup of the most popular stories Bloomberg Opinion published this week based on web readership.


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