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Empty promises

Bloomberg Equality

Companies across the U.S. have promised to confront their problems with race. The question is whether that will actually happen.

On Wall Street, Black employees aren't so sure. For years, they've heard corporate commitments to diversity. Yet discrimination both subtle and overt still exists. The biggest banks have vowed to elevate Black executives, added new bias training, and pledged money to fight inequality. But the faces at the top remain largely white.

In Silicon Valley, Facebook is the subject of an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaint from a Black employee. He alleged that his complaints about treatment of African Americans at the company went nowhere. (Facebook said it investigates every case.)

Pinterest took a seemingly aggressive stance in response to allegations of racism at the company. In June, two Black women said they left the company because of racial discrimination. This week, the company hired an outside law firm to investigate. Chief Executive Officer Ben Silberman called it "important work that will help us make Pinterest better." â€”Marin Wolf and Rebecca Greenfield

Did you see this? 

The U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Louisiana law that could have shut most of the state's remaining women's clinics. Still, many paths to curbing access to abortion remain. 

Facebook has lost billions of dollars as companies pulled advertising from the site to boycott its spread of misinformation, and CEO Mark Zuckerberg's refusal to stop. He has since attempted to stop the bleeding by updating his policies around hate speech. 

Layoffs at Airbnb exposed a hidden caste system inside the company. Employees got generous severance packages, but contractors—many of them people of color—did not.

Coronavirus lockdowns have made India's devastating gender gap even worse. 

With the pandemic looming, pride celebrations just weren't the same this year. That is, except for Taiwan, the only country to have a public parade. 

We love charts (but not this one)

A majority of mass shootings in the U.S. have one thing in common: domestic violence. An analysis by Bloomberg finds that 60% of shootings with four or more casualties involved someone with a history of, or in the process of committing, domestic abuse. The deadlier the event, the more likely the perpetrator had a history of domestic violence. 

How did we get here?  

One of the most troubling trends in U.S. employment is the long-term decline in the security of American workers. Wages and benefits have stagnated, unions have been marginalized and worker pay hasn't kept up with the cost of living. Indeed, some of the fastest growing industries are creating the lowest paying jobs. Bloomberg Businessweek digs deep into how a series of laws, Supreme Court rulings and administration policies have chipped away at labor rights and worker bargaining power. The result is that a large chunk of the American workforce is feeling fleeced


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