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Social distancing's mental risks

Plus: Neandertal seafood, squid gene editing, Pluto's possible ancient ocean and more
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Social distancing comes with psychological fallout

Keeping people apart can help slow the new coronavirus’ spread. But such social distancing may cause or worsen mental health problems.
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Neandertals’ extensive seafood menu rivals that of ancient humans

Finds from a coastal cave in Portugal reveal repeated ocean foraging for this European hominid.
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A controversial X-ray glow didn’t show up in the Milky Way’s dark matter halo

 A new look at old data suggests that an odd X-ray glow that emanates from some galaxies cannot come from decaying dark matter.
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Fossils of a new dromaeosaur date to the end of the Age of Dinosaurs

Fossils from a new dromaeosaur recovered from New Mexico suggest these fierce predators were diversifying up to the end of the Age of Dinosaurs.
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You can help fight the coronavirus. All you need is a computer

With Folding@home, people can donate computing time on their home computers to the search for a chemical Achilles’ heel in the coronavirus.
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A tooth-enamel protein is found in eyes with a common form of macular degeneration

Researchers linked a tooth-enamel protein with calcium deposits in eyes suffering ‘dry’ AMD, which could lead to treatments for the vision disorder.
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Squid edit their genetic material in a uniquely weird place

Some squids’ seeming ability to edit RNA on the fly could help scientists develop a technique much like the DNA-editing tool CRISPR, but for RNA.
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The number of steps per day, not speed, is linked to mortality rate

Researchers report an association between the total number of steps a person takes each day and the rate of death from any cause.
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If Pluto has a subsurface ocean, it may be old and deep

New analyses of images from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft suggest that Pluto may have had a sea beneath its icy shell for roughly 4.5 billion years.
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Face mask shortages have sparked creative solutions. Will they work?

Homemade masks, reusing masks and even scuba gear are some of the ideas for dealing with health care workers’ lack of supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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