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How Trump Maintains Power, Despite Everything

Hey, it's Josh. One of the big questions when Donald Trump left Washington in turmoil last January was whether he'd maintain his grip on the Republican Party or dwindle into insignificance. It's not really a question anymore—Trump is stronger than ever (at least among Republicans) and shows few signs of fading. The difference is that his power center has shifted south to Florida. So I went down to hang out with the Trumpers and investigate what we're calling the Trump Coast.

As I write in the latest issue of Bloomberg Businessweek, the beating heart of Trump World is, of course, Mar-a-Lago. But as I discovered on my trip, it's much broader than that. It turns out every element of the party—politicians, consultants, donors, activists—has a stake in perpetuating Trump's power, each for their own parochial reasons. Collectively, they form a strange, colorful—but very real—power structure that lets Trump continue to run the show. Plus, there are boat parades. (See our incredible pics.)

A lot of people would like Trump to just go away. One of the odder things I learned was that many of the people in his orbit would, too—just not yet. They're depending on him to juice Republican turnout next year and vault the GOP back to power. If that happens, though, he'll be more powerful than ever and the clear frontrunner for 2024. As Trump prepares to resume his rallies this summer and launch (maybe?) his political comeback, my report will bring you up to speed on the surreal, sunbaked center of the GOP universe. Read my story, or listen here. —Joshua Green

Former President Donald Trump's home, Mar-a-Lago.

Photographer: Bryan Cereijo for Bloomberg Businessweek


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