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The coming deluge

Evening Briefing

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday struck down a Louisiana law that required clinic doctors to have privileges at a local hospital, a surprise victory for supporters of abortion rights from a court with a Republican-appointed majority. Chief Justice John Roberts provided the crucial vote, joining the court's Democratic-appointed justices in a 5-4 ruling. The decision was the third loss for President Donald Trump in recent weeks; Roberts previously cast the pivotal vote blocking him from scrapping the deferred-deportation program, or DACA, and he joined a 6-3 ruling that said federal law bars discrimination against gay and transgender workers.Josh Petri

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Here are today's top stories

Congress is demanding intelligence officials brief lawmakers on a report by the New York Times that Russia offered bounties to the Taliban to kill U.S. service members, and that Trump has known about it and allegedly done nothing.

The global death toll from the coronavirus reached a grim milestone over the weekend, surpassing 500,000. Confirmed cases exceeded 10 million as the World Health Organization reported a record number of infections for a single day. New clusters around the world, including surging numbers in a majority of U.S. states, indicate the pandemic is accelerating. European Union governments are poised to extend a travel ban for U.S. residents for at least two weeks. Meanwhile, Gilead says its drug Remdesivir, the effectiveness of which may be limited, will cost $2,340 for a five-day course of treatment. Here's the latest on the pandemic.

As the U.S. buckles under the weight of the fast-spreading virus, a deep recession and a nationwide reckoning over police killings of Black citizens, Trump appears to be living in an alternate reality. The U.S. remains an epicenter of the virus, with cases hitting record highs in just the last few days. Republican governors who followed Trump's lead have backtracked on reopening their economies, yet Trump has largely ignored the spike, repeating false claims and downplaying the threat of the pathogen. He has also refused to wear a mask, a precaution to which his own vice president has come around. Jacksonville, Florida, the current location of the Republican National Convention, has joined the growing list of cities requiring people to wear them in public places.

Despite Trump's claims that the economy will come roaring back to life, experts say any recovery may not occur until 2021, or later. Polls show Trump losing ground rapidly to the presumptive Democratic nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden. And as for police brutality against minorities, Trump tweeted a video of his supporters yelling "white power." He later deleted it.

There are 13 unwritten rules to being Black on Wall Street, according to people who've lived it. They include never forgetting that, despite promises about diversity, only about 1% of senior management is Black. Now the U.S. finance industry is promising to confront its failures over race. Its Black employees aren't so sure.

China said it will impose a visa ban on U.S. citizens who interfere with its planned crackdown on civil liberties in Hong Kong.

The production of a widely-anticipated Harry Potter video game is in turmoil as recent transphobic remarks by author J.K. Rowling, and the possible sale of the studio developing the game, rattle those working on its production.

What you'll need to know tomorrow

What you'll want to read in Bloomberg Pursuits

Get Ready for a Virtual Tour de France

The organizer of the Tour de France will hold a virtual version of the event starting this week as cycling grapples with maintaining interest in a sport that was already in trouble before the pandemic hit. Instead of snake-like formations of sinewy riders coursing through the idyllic French countryside, 92 men and 68 women from a total of 40 teams will race each other from home trainer setups. You can watch on your computer.

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