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India may not be able to completely boycott Chinese products

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Wed, Jun 17, 2020 | 04:02 PM IST

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Times when India and China were involved in a face-off Times when India and China were involved in a face-off
Tensions on the Indo-China border spiked to the highest since 1962 after over 20 troops, including an Indian commanding officer, were killed in the face-off in Galwan valley amid a six-week long standoff with the People's Liberation Army. This, however, is not the first time the armed forces of these two countries have been involved in a face-off.
India may not be able to completely boycott Chinese products India may not be able to completely boycott Chinese products
Economic roads between India and China may prove as fraught as real ones running through the Himalayas. The first deadly clash between the nuclear powers in decades is even weightier given their deepening commercial links.
Is Pakistan slowly building up its nuclear arsenal? Is Pakistan slowly building up its nuclear arsenal?
Pakistan may be slowly increasing its military missile material holdings, which include both weapons-grade plutonium and highly enriched uranium. In a report produced by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute(SIPRI), Pakistan has produced mainly HEU, but is increasing its ability to produce plutonium.
Govt has some safety tips for Facebook and other social media users Govt has some safety tips for Facebook and other social media users
"Sharing your sensitive personal details such as an address, phone number, Aadhaar number, photo, date of birth etc. on social media makes it easier for a stalker to misuse such details to harass you. It is advisable not to post such details on social media," the advisory added.
How to restore confidence in public transportation How to restore confidence in public transportation
The deadly Covid-19 disease has dented the confidence in mass transit system with experts suggesting that people are less likely to opt for public transport and only those who have no other means taking to the public transport system for travelling purposes.
Anand Vihar Railway station is now fully turned into a Covid care facility Anand Vihar Railway station is now fully turned into a Covid care facility
In view of the rising coronavirus cases in Delhi, Indian Railways has decided to deploy more isolation coaches for patients in the national capital. The Railways have earmarked 500 beds for Delhi.
Covid effect: People now do not want to touch these objects ever again Covid effect: People now do not want to touch these objects ever again
Covid 19 is wreaking havoc all over the world, killing thousands and infecting millions. Unsurprisingly, social distancing has become the new normal. A Times of India poll has also revealed an interesting change in behaviour among the masses.
Coronavirus endangers livelihoods of over 55 million domestic workers Coronavirus endangers livelihoods of over 55 million domestic workers
More than 55 million people risk losing their jobs and income due to lockdown and lack of effective social security coverage, according to new estimates by the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
North vs South Korea: A history of the 70-year war that doesn't end North vs South Korea: A history of the 70-year war that doesn't end
North Korea has steadfastly pursued its banned nuclear and ballistic missile programmes, seeking to build a rocket capable of delivering a warhead to the US mainland.
Dexamethasone: Drug that offers hope amid surging Covid cases Dexamethasone: Drug that offers hope amid surging Covid cases
While the world is still searching for a vaccine for Covid-19, researchers have stumbled upon a drug that has raised hopes. The drug, called dexamethasone, has reportedly given extremely welcome result during testing.
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