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Fauci urges states to pump the breaks

QuickTake Tonight

Greetings, QuickTake readers! In this edition: Wuhan to test its entire population, LA prisoners try to infect themselves on purpose, and India's CO2 emissions fall for the first time in four decades. 

Fauci warns against early restart 

Dr. Anthony Fauci warned a Senate committee Tuesday that reopening the U.S. economy too soon risks "needless suffering and death" and could "turn the clock back" on economic recovery. As President Trump races to reopen the country for business amid the sharpest downturn in U.S. history, Fauci said communities that lift lockdowns before seeing a "downward trajectory" in cases over a two-week span could trigger a new outbreak "that you might not be able to control." 

When asked by Sen. Bernie Sanders whether he agreed with official death counts, Fauci said fatalities were "almost certainly higher." And in one of the hearing's sharpest exchanges, Republican Sen. Rand Paul, who earlier tested positive for Covid-19, said Fauci wasn't "the end-all" on the virus, calling its impact "relatively benign" in much of the country. Fauci countered by saying his advice was based on "the best scientific evidence" available. 

$ignificant figures

$3 trillion. Nancy Pelosi unveiled a coronavirus aid package worth that much that provides nearly $1 trillion for cities and states, "hazard pay" for essential workers, and a new round of cash payments to individuals. 

$265 billion. Indian PM Narendra Modi said his government will spend a total of 20 trillion rupees to help Asia's third-largest economy get back on its feet after weeks of stay-at-home restrictions. 

11 million. The Chinese city of Wuhan will test all residents for coronavirus after six new cases were reported since the lockdown was lifted in early April with the hope of avoiding a possible second wave of infections. 

Highly quotable

"Deliberately attempt to infect themselves." Two groups of inmates at a Los Angeles County jail tried to contract Covid-19 by sharing water and a mask, mistakenly believing it would lead to their release, a sheriff said. 30 prisoners tested positive within two weeks. 

"Continue to do so forever." Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said the company's offices were unlikely to reopen before September but employees will be allowed to continue working from home even after officials give them the green light. 

"Probably doing well." A U.S. national security advisor said recent photos of Kim Jong Un "cutting ribbons on fertilizer factories" after an unexplained absence suggest the North Korean leader is "alive and well." 

This is not normal

"Perfect storm." A 51%-spike in deforestation in the Amazon rain forest from January to March, combined with low rainfall forecast from May to October, has put the region on course for a rampant wildfire season that could aggravate the deadly impact of Covid-19. 

The future is now

Cat-like reflexes. Researchers designed a new type of soft robot, inspired by the way a cheetah's spine flexes and extends while running, that can move quickly, lift heavy objects and could be of use in search-and-rescue operations or on mechanical production lines. 

What's good

Sigh of relief. India's carbon dioxide emissions fell for the first time in four decades, by 15% in March and 30% in April from a year earlier, easing the country's chronic air pollution, thanks to slowing demand for coal and oil during the countrywide lockdown. 

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BTW:  Pink eye and chickenpox? Here all the Covid-19 symptoms you may not know about

Thanks for reading!
-Andrew Mach


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