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America's meat plants are returning, but will workers?

QuickTake Tonight

Greetings, QuickTake readers! In this edition: RBG argues Obamacare case from the hospital, India embarks on biggest-ever evacuation, and Trump contradicts nurses he's honoring over PPE. 

Workers quit as meat plants reopen

A week after President Trump ordered America's meatpacking plants to stay open, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said Wednesday that facilities would fully resume operations in 10 days—but will workers? More than 4,900 of them have tested positive for Covid-19 and 20 have died after coronavirus spread through 115 meat plants across 19 states in March and April. Other employees still fear they'll get sick and are taking paid and unpaid leave or just quitting altogether.

The CDC says these workers have a higher risk of falling ill since U.S. production is concentrated among a handful of companies that rely on massive regional plants staffed with thousands of workers on elbow-to-elbow processing lines that move at lightning speed. That makes social distancing and heightened disinfection guidelines difficult to maintain. Union leaders say the new measures companies have put in place, including temperature scanners and face masks, aren't enough to guarantee workers' safety in time to reopen.

On Wednesday, Trump said the U.S. has "plenty of supply" of meat, despite fears of shortages caused by bottlenecks in supply. "Within a week and a half, we'll be in great shape," he said. "Maybe sooner."

$ignificant figures

20.2 million. U.S. companies cut that many private-sector jobs in April, surpassing the previous worst report of 834,665 in February 2009, as many layoffs start turning from temporary to permanent across the country.

1.8 million. India will deploy commercial jets, military planes and naval warships to bring back that many citizens stranded across the world, in likely the world's biggest-ever peacetime evacuation.

30,000. The U.K. became the first European nation to pass that many virus deaths after reporting 649 new fatalities, along with 6,111 new cases, making it the world's fourth country with more than 200,000 infections.

Highly quotable

"Sporadic." Trump shot back at a nurse who said during a White House meeting that some hospitals still had shortages of medical gear, insisting PPE was "sporadic for you but not other people."

"Women end up getting nothing." Hospitalized Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said women's rights would be "tossed to the winds" under Trump's plan to let employers opt out of providing free birth control.

"We did not find any legal reason." Israel's Supreme Court ruled that PM Benjamin Netanyahu may form a new government with rival Benny Gantz while under indictment for corruption charges.

This is not normal

Dire straits. The Earth is losing ice faster than ever, according to a 16-year NASA study that found Antarctica's and Greenland's ice sheets lost enough ice to fill more than 127 million Olympic swimming pools per year.

The future is now

Virus analyst. Researchers have developed a wearable device the size of a postage stamp that tracks coughing intensity, respiratory sounds, heart rate, and body temperature data to catch early symptoms of Covid-19.

What's good

Inspired by heroes. Street artists in western Russia are painting 75 giant portraits of WWII veterans on buildings near their homes as a permanent gift to mark the upcoming 75th anniversary of the end of the war.

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BTW: A Dutch restaurant is letting people dine in individual greenhouses to ensure social distancing. Have a look.

Thanks for reading!
-Andrew Mach


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