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How doctors are turning the coronavirus tide

Bloomberg Opinion Today

It's dark times for people in nearly every corner of the world right now, but there are flickers of light at the end of our very long tunnel. Doctors are learning more about the novel coronavirus and Covid-19 every day: how it spreads, which treatments are showing promise, and how to create effective testing methods. But while there's good news to be found in these desperate times, we have a long way to go before we can begin our post-coronavirus future.

The Covid Test Lab That Could Save AmericaMichael Lewis

Any Good News on Coronavirus This Week? Actually, YesFaye Flam

This Isn't the Flattened Curve We Were PromisedCathy O'Neil

Gilead's Remdesivir Can Hardly Live Up to the HypeMax Nisen

Why Science Won't Ace Its Covid-19 TestAriel Procaccia

Post-Virus Reopening Is More About Ethics Than ScienceFaye Flam

1 Million New Yorkers May Have Already Gotten Covid-19Justin Fox

This Is Where Soap and Water Is a LuxuryBen Schott

Hopeful News: Doctors Learn More About TreatmentFaye Flam

This is the Theme of the Week edition of Bloomberg Opinion Today, a roundup of our top commentary published every Sunday.


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