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Evening Briefing

It's looking like the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump will end with no new testimony or evidence after two wavering Republicans decided against allowing it. But there was new uncertainty over whether Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will be able to acquit the president as planned in time for the State of Union. Even now, there were new revelations: The New York Times reported that former National Security Adviser John Bolton wrote that Trump directed aides in May to pressure Ukraine officials to dig up damaging information on Democratic rivals, two months before he asked Ukraine's president to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden. Present during the May discussion, according to Bolton, was White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, who is leading the Trump defense team. —David E. Rovella 

Here are today's top stories

The U.S. called the coronavirus an unprecedented public health threat, saying aggressive measures are needed to stop it from taking hold in America. In China, where the pathogen originated, the news is worse.

Stocks slumped and bonds rallied on heightened concern that the spread of the virus will damage global economic growth.

Here are the first images of how the cornonavirus replicates inside cells.

The flu, however, is a much bigger threat to U.S. health right now, and that virus may be taking a turn for the worse. It's already killed 10,000 Americans this season, including more than 60 children.

As Credit Suisse's board prepares to meet, tensions are mounting between Chairman Urs Rohner and CEO Tidjane Thiam in the wake of a probe of the bank's culture and management.

Earning $40,000 a year in Omaha used to be enough to comfortably pay the rent. Not anymore. The U.S. housing crisis has moved inland.

What's Luke Kawa thinking about? The Bloomberg cross-asset reporter is thinking about financial Armageddon. Specifically, Luke says the Treasury market may be getting close to Defcon One. Outside of commodities, though, cross-asset signals aren't reflecting the danger

What you'll need to know tomorrow

What you'll want to read tonight in Brexit

Brexit Is Finally Over (With 11 Months Left to Go)

Britain joined the European Economic Community on 

Jan. 1, 1973. On Friday night, 17,196 days later, it will leave the EU. Just in case you thought this never-ending drama (or tragicomedy, depending on your perspective) was really over, guess again. Now comes the expensive part.

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