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Auto industry heads into a wild future: Theme of the Week

Bloomberg Opinion Today

Americans are known for their love affair with cars, but is the relationship headed for a breakup? Climate change, congestion, ride-hailing services: All are hastening changes that make it harder for carmakers to anticipate what drivers will desire. Complicating matters is the reality that drivers are getting older and keeping their cars longer. Meanwhile, industry attention is distracted by corporate rivalries and allegations of malfeasance. This week, Bloomberg Opinion writers were thinking about how everyone — drivers, passengers and companies — will move into the future.

Tesla's Cybertruck Is Designed to Shatterproof Its Stock — Liam Denning

America's Car Buyers Are Getting Older and Driving Longer — Nathaniel Bullard

General Motors Declares Corporate War on Chrysler — Chris Bryant

How Much Should New York Charge for a Parking Space? A Lot — Justin Fox

California Drilling Ban Is Fueled By Indifference — Liam Denning

Autonomous Taxis Become a Rough Ride for Europe — Leonid Bershidsky

Fracking, Trade Follies, Nissan and a Jittery Quant — Joe Nocera

This is the Theme of the Week edition of Bloomberg Opinion Today, Sunday's roundup of our biggest topic of commentary.

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