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The best ways to get the most out of your money right now

Of all the things that must be done in the course of adulting, managing your money is one of the more complicated ones. Throw in a global pandemic and it runs the risk of becoming as unpleasant as scheduling your first colonoscopy. How much do I budget for commuting if my return-to-office plans are upended again? How much should I putting aside in savings? What in the world should I be investing in now? Fortunately, there are ways to make the money you've got now go further — no matter how old you are.

Is the $695 AmEx Platinum Card Really Worth It? — Alexis Leondis

Are Stratospheric Stock Valuations Here to Stay? — Nir Kaissar

Get Ready to Pay More for Coffee, Beer, Bread and Snacks — Andrea Felsted

Too Many Women in the U.K. Are Missing Out on a Great Bargain — Stuart Trow

Think Twice, Grandma, Before You Become the Nanny — Teresa Ghilarducci

Generation Z Should Fear a Guaranteed Income — Allison Schrager

A Case for Opening 'What If?' Savings Accounts — Erin Lowry

This is the Theme of the Week edition of Bloomberg Opinion Today, a digest of our top commentary published every Sunday.

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