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Battered by Covid, Malaysia is brought to its knees

Malaysia Is Staggering Down the Road to Failed Statehood — Daniel Moss

What started as a cry for help by Malaysians during rolling lockdowns and galloping Covid-19 infections has come to epitomize the descent of their once-proud nation. The Southeast Asian country lost its status as a role model for the developing world some time ago. Now, it may be relegated to the lane of also-rans that shone during the heyday of globalization but failed to capitalize on a strong start.  

Malaysians in distress have taken to waving the white flag from windows and driveways. At the most basic level, it's surrender and a plea for assistance: food, a bit of cash to help pay the rent. Thanks to social media, the banners have taken on an emblematic life of their own. Not quite a movement; people have no hope, and not much desire, to overthrow the government, and it isn't clear these days that there's one to topple. It's more of a shorthand for discontent at the atrophying state and troubled economy.

Read the whole thing.

Millennials' Real Estate FOMO Goes Haywire — Lionel Laurent

Europe's Elon Musk Drives a Bugatti Now — Chris Bryant

Ten Simple Money Rules for Investing Success — Barry Ritholtz

Gorsuch Critique of Landmark Libel Case Should Be Taken Seriously — Noah Feldman

For Once, China and China Hawks See Eye to Eye — Tim Culpan

The Burning Question for California Wine Country — Francis Wilkinson

Saudi Arabia and the UAE: Breaking Up Is Hard to Do — Bobby Ghosh

At Tyler Cowen University, No One Would Have Tenure — Tyler Cowen

Let's Face It, Most Bankers Are Going Back to the Office — Marcus Ashworth

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