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Tesla buys Bitcoin. We should have seen it coming.

Bloomberg Opinion Today

The Tesla-Bitcoin Singularity Is Here at Last — Liam Denning

Tesla bought Bitcoin. It feels as if that sentence should properly begin with "Imagine if ..." and a wry chuckle. But no. Imagine no longer.

Tesla Inc.'s annual report disclosed the electric-car maker updated its investment policy last month and then bought $1.5 billion of the crypto. That news added roughly $5,000, or 14%, to said crypto on Monday morning, sending it to an all-time high. Tesla's own stock rose about 3%, adding roughly $11 billion in market cap, because — well, probably because of this. I don't know. 

On the face of it, a change in investment policy that simply by its disclosure adds hundreds of millions of dollars in value to a company's portfolio — and billions to the company's market cap — in a sort-of virtual virtuous circle seems like a winning change. Ordinarily, such things lie forgotten in the 10-K.

Yet it's hard to shake the feeling that it is just inadvisable to be (forgive me) crossing the memes like this. It's as if the earth has shifted a billionth of a degree on its axis or we are approaching some singularity in the capital markets with Lovecraftian overtones.

Read the whole thing.

Why Elon Musk's Dogecoin Tweets Have Hit a Bitcoin Nerve — Lionel Laurent

The Future Will Be Decentralized — Tyler Cowen

Don't Spend Your Covid-19 Stimulus CheckTeresa Ghilarducci

Elon Musk Picks the Money Now — Matt Levine

Oil's Recovery Is Too Fast for Its Own Good — Julian Lee

What If GameStop Actually Thrives After the Gamestonk Saga? — Tae Kim

History Tells Us to Worry About Inflation — Ferdinando Giugliano

Trump's Lawyers Are Helping Advance Impeachment's Purpose — Noah Feldman

Republicans' Five Bad Excuses for Not Convicting Trump — Ramesh Ponnuru

This is the Weekend Edition of Bloomberg Opinion Today, a roundup of the most popular stories Bloomberg Opinion published this week based on web readership.


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