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GameStop blame game

Weekend Reading

The rebellion in the U.S. stock market has taken a breather. Now comes the finger-pointing. A battle for control of Reddit's WallStreetBets page is brewing and hedge funders are stepping up security after facing death threats. But financial regulators contend the fiasco showed that markets were resilient. The Robinhood drama revealed the hidden costs in the zero-fee trading model, but retail traders have found they can't easily ditch the app. As for the professional money, that's still going long. While the dust settles, Bloomberg Opinion's Matt Levine assesses who is actually winning the Great GameStop Game. One thing is for sure: It's not GameStop, which suddenly finds itself in an $18 billion hole.

What you'll want to read this weekend

The U.S. hit another pandemic milestone, but this one may be cause for optimism. More Americans have been vaccinated than tested positive for the coronavirus. When will life return to normal around the world? In 7.4 years at today's vaccination rates, Bloomberg's new tracker shows. And finally, Bloomberg Businessweek examines how we should go about planning for the next pandemic.

Jeff Bezos is stepping down as the CEO of Amazon at a time when his personal wealth is near an all-time high. It turns out that the job could soon become a lot less fun anyway. Bosses can learn from his successor's scary meetings, Sarah Green Carmichael writes in Bloomberg Opinion.

Jeff Bezos

Photographer: Getty Images

More Americans say their finances (rather than a fear of Covid) are their reason for moving. While small cities are trying to lure remote workers, if you are young and ambitious, you should move to New York City, not Austin.

South Korea leads the world in innovation, while the gap between the U.S. and China is narrowing. Chennai, India, one of the world's wettest big cities, is running out of water. And two fishing villages in Japan are competing to become a nuclear waste site.

Kamoenai in Hokkaido, one of two Japanese villages vying to store nuclear waste.

Photographer: Kentaro Takahashi/Bloomberg

Cruise fanatics are rushing to volunteer to test virus protocols on ships. Disney fans have their post-pandemic sights set on Japan. If you are vaccinated, this Thai resort island wants you there by October.

What you'll need to know next week

What you'll want to read in Bloomberg Green

Climate Billionaires: All From China, Except Elon

As the planet's climate crisis accelerates, the fastest-growing fortunes in the world are now green thanks to a new generation of tycoons amassing wealth in the clean energy boom. On Bloomberg's new green billionaire ranking, more than half of them are tycoons who make either electric vehicles or the batteries that power them.

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Bloomberg New Economy Conversations with Andrew Browne. Join us Feb. 23 at 10 a.m. EST for The Big "Bounce-Back," where we'll discuss the post-Covid recovery, and the outlook for investors and innovation. Will a flood of consumer spending rescue commercial real estate or bolster online giants? Can business travel recover and does Big Oil have a future? Will Asia remain ascendant or will Europe become a rival? Register here. This conversation is brought to you by IDA Ireland.

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