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Can the world make hydrogen happen?

Bloomberg Opinion Today

Climate change is real, and the world is struggling to contain its effects. But there's a big, new question in the mix: Can hydrogen energy really help us move beyond fossil fuels? Phasing out dirty energy remains a tough task; there will be mistakes, and there will be controversies. But it's still worth finding our way to a cleaner future.

Big Oil Seeks Redemption in the Hydrogen Revolution — David Fickling

The Missing Piece of the Hydrogen Puzzle — Clara Ferreira Marques

Mary Barra Needs to Explain GM's Nikola Misstep — Timothy L. O'Brien

Hydrogen Is a Trillion-Dollar Bet on the Future — David Fickling

How Hydrogen Is and Isn't the Future of Energy — Andreas Kluth

Hydrogen Brightens the Already-Sunny Outlook for Clean Energy — Peter Orszag and George Bilicic

This is the Theme of the Week edition of Bloomberg Opinion Today, a digest of our top commentary published every Sunday.


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