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Latest from Science News: Coronavirus shutdowns don't need to be all or nothing

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Coronavirus shutdowns don't need to be all or nothing

Nov 25 2020 1:33 PM

Governments are implementing more targeted restrictions like limiting restaurant capacity to slow a fall surge. Research suggests they could work.

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The FDA has approved the first drug to treat the rapid-aging disease progeria

Nov 25 2020 6:00 AM

Children with a rare genetic disorder called progeria age quickly and often die before they are 15. A newly approved drug may give them more time.

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Mineral body armor helps some leaf-cutting ants win fights with bigger kin

Nov 24 2020 11:00 AM

Researchers have found that at least one species of leaf-cutting ant has a tough layer of calcite on its exoskeleton.


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A face mask may turn up a male wrinkle-faced bat's sex appeal

Nov 24 2020 8:00 AM

The first-ever scientific observations of a wrinkle-faced bat's courtship shows that, when flirting, the males raise their white furry face coverings.

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Immunity to COVID-19 may persist six months or more

Nov 24 2020 6:00 AM

Even after recovery, the body continues to improve its antibody response to the coronavirus - perhaps thanks to viral bits hiding in the intestine.

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Oxford and AstraZeneca say their COVID-19 vaccine works too

Nov 23 2020 12:41 PM

A third major vaccine, which may be easier to distribute than others, appears to prevent disease and maybe transmission of the coronavirus.


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Lonely brains crave people like hungry brains crave food
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Newton's groundbreaking Principia may have been more popular than previously thought
Nov 23 2020 8:00 AM

A search has uncovered over 300 copies of Isaac Newton's famous 17th century book, the Principia, revealing a broader readership than assumed.

The biblical warrior Goliath may not have been so giant after all
Nov 23 2020 6:00 AM

Archaeological finds suggest the width of the walls of Goliath's home city were used to metaphorically represent the Old Testament figure's height.

Here's why COVID-19 vaccines like Pfizer's need to be kept so cold
Nov 20 2020 5:59 PM

Both Pfizer and Moderna built their vaccines on RNA. Freezing them keeps their fragile components from breaking down.

These plants seem like they're trying to hide from people
Nov 20 2020 11:00 AM

A plant used in traditional Chinese medicine has evolved remarkable camouflage in areas with intense harvesting pressure, a study suggests.

Plastics are showing up in the world's most remote places, including Mount Everest
Nov 20 2020 11:00 AM

From the snow on Mount Everest to the guts of critters in the Mariana Trench, tiny fragments called microplastics are almost everywhere.

On a cool night in Malaysia, scientists track mysterious colugos across the treetops
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Our reporter tags along for nighttime observations of these elusive gliding mammals.

Arecibo Observatory, an 'icon of Puerto Rican science,' will be demolished
Nov 19 2020 6:29 PM

The telescope, known for cameos in moves like Contact and for fast radio burst observations, was feared to be on the verge of collapse.

Supercooled water has been caught morphing between two forms
Nov 19 2020 2:00 PM

A new experiment used ultrafast techniques to reveal high-density water transforming into low-density water at subfreezing temperatures.

50 years ago, scientists named Earth's magnetic field as a suspect in extinctions
Nov 19 2020 12:47 PM

In 1970, researchers saw a link between magnetic pole reversals and extinctions. Fifty years later, scientists have uncovered more suggestive examples but no strong evidence of a direct link.lamb

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