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Trump infection fallout

Weekend Reading

President Donald Trump tested positive for the coronavirus. The diagnosis, which has placed a large number of White House staffers and others at risk, is likely to reshape the final month of an already unprecedented presidential campaign. Trump kept meeting with other people instead of quarantining after learning an aide had been infected. According to Bloomberg Opinion columnist Timothy L. O'Brien, Trump has failed to protect America, and himself.

What you'll want to read this weekend

The U.S. added fewer jobs than forecast in September and many Americans quit looking for work. Disney, American Airlines and Goldman Sachs all announced job cuts. For women, the pandemic has erased years of economic progress.

Trump's paltry tax payments, which set off a firestorm this week, were hardly unique: the wealthy have endless ways to game the system. And as central banks slash interest rates to prop up the global economy, banks are letting the super-rich borrow cheaply.

Among the cities most at risk of a housing-market bubble are Munich, Toronto and Hong Kong, while Prague's communist-era concrete apartments are thriving again. Some Manhattan landlords are luring tenants with free rent until next year. 

For many young Americans, the pandemic is a perfect time to go on a road trip, but New Yorkers should think twice before buying a car. Meanwhile, residents of crowded Hong Kong are seeking solitude on the city's numerous jungle trails.

In the rarefied world of premium Japanese beef, one cut, at $45 an ounce, stands above the rest. For a more affordable indulgence, though, consider baking a chocolate banana cookie.

What you'll need to know next week

What you'll want to read in Businessweek

Better, Faster Testing Is Path to U.S. Comeback

If Americans want to safely send kids to school, eat in a cafe, go to a basketball game or get on a plane, the U.S. needs to test a lot more people a lot faster. The problem of testing has attracted new focus, new thinking, and new money. Those debates are particularly vital now. 

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