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Being Black is a pre-existing condition

Bloomberg Equality

Being Black in America looks like a pre-existing condition putting a person at risk for a host of problems. If you map poverty, pollution and Covid-19 cases in Chicago and you'll get an outline of African-American neighborhoods in the city, Bloomberg CityLab reports. In Cleveland, site of Tuesday's presidential debate, similar disparities are in sharp relief: Children born in the poor Black neighborhood near the Cleveland Clinic are expected to live 22 fewer years than kids in a majority-White suburb nearby.

So what are solutions? Ahead of the debate on Tuesday, President Donald Trump announced at an event in Atlanta a "Platinum Plan for Black America," committing to bring in $500 billion in capital as well as raise health and education outcomes and create 3 million jobs. The bid to woo Black voters wasn't immediately cheered. "This event is a distraction from the fact Trump entered the political scene by denigrating our nation's first African American president and has spent the last four years advancing anti-Black policies while fanning the flames of racism," Jamal Brown, a national press secretary for Biden's campaign, said in a statement to Bloomberg. And, as CityLab reports, there is hardly enough detail in the plan to boo it, either. —Philip Gray

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When asked to condemn White supremacy during the first presidential debate, Trump used the spotlight to call on one group, the Proud Boys, to "stand back and stand by."

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China's economic recovery is leaving the bottom 60% behind, according to Bloomberg Businessweek.

The gender and racial pay gaps are not fully explained by who does what job. Incomes vary widely even within a single occupation, based on race and gender, as Bloomberg Businessweek shows.

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One in four working women in the U.S. report considering scaling back or quitting because of extra demands during the pandemic, like disparities in parenting.


Basic income in a time of lockdowns 

Mayor Michael Tubbs offered Stockton as a proving ground for cash transfers.

Photographer: Nick Otto/AFP/Getty Images

An experiment with guaranteed income for some residents of Stockton, California, further hints at what a regular paycheck provides: not a ticket out of poverty, but a step to build resilience. Bloomberg Businessweek reports that this reliable windfall made a difference in March, when pandemic lockdowns began. Recipients spent a greater share of their monthly $500 on food, stocking up to eliminate some outings and reduce their risk of exposure to the novel coronavirus. The pandemic makes the experiment all the more revealing: "This is the third serious economic crisis in 12 years," one of the researchers says. "So understanding how people use cash in the context of shock is really, really key."


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