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Trump makes his pick

Weekend Reading

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg became the first woman to lie in state at the U.S. Capitol, a solemn moment before the raucous fight ahead. On Saturday, President Donald Trump will nominate his choice to replace her: U.S. Circuit Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Will this last-second confirmation help Trump in an election where polls show him behind, or hurt him and Republicans running for the Senate? And will Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Trump's last contentious nominee, become the justice in middle?

What you'll want to read this weekend

The coronavirus may have "one big trick": avoiding a response from the human immune substance interferon. Increasing evidence shows that interferon-based therapies may be successful, especially in the early stages of the disease, highlighting the potential for Gilead's remdesivir and convalescent plasma.

Harvard economics professor Raj Chetty has built a data tracker that breaks down the economic impact of the coronavirus epidemic, state-by-state, neighborhood-by-neighborhood.

China is the clear winner in the standoff with the U.S. over TikTok, Bloomberg Businessweek reports. America's oversharing teenagers can breathe easier, it seems, but still there is the issue of what the entire episode achieved, Bloomberg Opinion writes.

Quick billions: Father-and-son used-car dealers got $5 billion richer in one day. And a former basketball player is set to become a billionaire when his mortgage company goes public.

Lebanon needs you to buy its wines—and they're really good. Or with airlines ailing, you could pick up a loaded bar from Qantas, raided from retired Boeing Co. 747s.

What you'll need to know next week

What you'll want to read in Bloomberg CityLab

Defunding? Police Budgets Are Still Growing

After months of demonstrations, the rallying cry to reduce police budgets in favor of social and other programs hasn't translated into reality. While a few major cities like New York and Los Angeles have made some cuts, more than half actually increased spending or kept it unchanged as a percentage of their discretionary spending, Bloomberg CityLab discovered.

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