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Indian and Chinese troops dig in at Chushul flashpoint

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The Economic Times

Defence News

Mon, Sep 07, 2020 | 02:31 PM IST

Indian, Chinese troops dig in at Chushul flashpoint

A source described the proximity of troops as the most dangerous build-up in Eastern Ladakh since the Galwan valley deployments, which ended after ...

Thailand delays plan to buy Chinese submarines; presents alternate to Beijing's Kra canal proposal

Under a 2015 deal, Thailand was one of the first countries to buy Chinese naval hardware and finalised its purchase of three submarines in 2017, wi...

Army, IAF chiefs visit forward areas as China moves more forces to Chushul

China has moved additional forces opposite the Chushul sector in eastern Ladakh after a large number of well-armed Indian troops occupied virtually...

Meet 'Establishment 22', the special force behind the secret operation at Pangong

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Coronavirus Updates
Metro Rail, long distance trains; bus services resume in Tamil Nadu today
Barring Chennai and nearby three districts, inter- zonal (each zone comprises a number of nearby districts) bus transport, that commenced on June 1, was suspended on June 26.
Country's biggest COVID Care Centre to be shut from September 15
Recovery rate of COVID-19 patients in India nearing 60%; fatality rate drops to 1.7%
Plea for care of elderly during pandemic: SC grants four weeks to states to file affidavits
Maharashtra may reduce Covid-19 testing rates at private labs by 40 per cent
China now has world's largest navy, eyes Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar bases

This is the latest assessment of China's expanding military might, ranging from long-range missiles and nuclear submarines to integrated air defenc...

India's neighbours to East go slow on Chinese support for defence & civilian sector ships

This could impact China's long-term strategic ambitions in the Bay of Bengal where India has been the traditional net security provider. However, o...

Germany launches Indo-Pacific strategy with 'key role' for India

The German government also announced that it will work to maintain rules-based order together with partners in the Indo-Pacific region. To this end...

Chushul tense: Chinese troops within firing range of Indian soldiers

On Monday, Chinese troops attempted to take up positions closer to Indian deployments at the heights but were dissuaded from closing in....

Hotline message sent to PLA': Govt on 'abduction' of 5 Arunachal Pradesh locals amid tension with China

A senior police officer told ET: "A fact-finding team which started on Saturday has reached the village and talked to the villagers. From there, th...

Indian troops take vantage positions along LAC in Ladakh

With trust levels at an all-time low, India is not taking any chances along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh, with troops moving ...


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