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Extra Crunch Friday: 9 top real estate/proptech investors say cities and offices still have a future

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Friday, September 04, 2020 By Walter Thompson

Welcome to Extra Crunch Friday

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Image Credits: PPAMPicture / Getty Images under a license.

I haven’t been to the office in several months. I’m not even sure where my security badge is.

Most of us will likely return to a centralized workplace where we collaborate in-person, but I can’t imagine what that will look like. Where I live in San Francisco, there’s already talk of converting empty office towers into residential properties.

Kirsten Korosec and Eric Eldon spoke to nine real estate and proptech investors and found that “optimism still runs high for startup hubs as well as supercities” like NYC and SF.

Here’s who they interviewed:

  • Clelia Warburg Peters, Venture Partner at Bain Capital Ventures
  • Brad Greiwe and Brendan Wallace, co-founders and managing partners, Fifth Wall
  • Zach Aarons, co-founder and general partner, MetaProp
  • John Helm, managing director, Real Estate Technology Ventures
  • Adam Demuyakor, co-founder and managing partner, Wilshire Lane Partners
  • Casey Berman, founder and managing director, Camber Creek
  • Florian Reichert, partner, Picus Capital
  • Stonly Baptiste, co-founder and partner, Urban Us
  • Andrew Ackerman, managing director, DreamIt Ventures

Monday is Labor Day in the U.S., so we’ll be back on Tuesday with new stories. Have an excellent weekend, and thanks for reading Extra Crunch.

Walter Thompson
Senior Editor, TechCrunch

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