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Covid-19 is bringing a fall full of unknowns

Bloomberg Opinion Today

For many of us, summer is already over, even if we don't have a choice in the matter. That feeling of dread familiar to schoolchildren as fall approaches is now universal in the era of Covid-19: How will we open schools? (Will we open them at all?) Are we close to developing a vaccine? (Will people get it when we do?) How long before cases begin their long-expected cold-weather spike? (And is it a second wave or still part of the first?) Summer offered a reprieve from spring lockdowns, perhaps bringing along with it a sense of complacency — and outright societal division. As the weather pushes the Northern Hemisphere back indoors, Bloomberg Opinion columnists are looking for signs of what's ahead ... and how we might prepare for it.

Vaccine Confronts Humanity With Next Moral Test — John Authers

Depressed Now? Just Wait for the Rest of 2020 — Virginia Postrel

Here's How to Make Schools Safer for Reopening in the Fall — Joe Nocera

Covid Is Shaking Up Back-to-School Shopping — Sarah Halzack

Make Flu Shots Mandatory for School Openings — Christopher M. Worsham and Anupam B. Jena

Long Lines at Polling Places Are Deadly in a Pandemic — Faye Flam

Covid-19 Has the Power to Break the Sports World — Joe Nocera

College Towns and Campuses Have No Good Choices — Noah Smith

This is the Theme of the Week edition of Bloomberg Opinion Today, a roundup of our top commentary published every Sunday.

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