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U.S. neighborhoods rally behind Chinese restaurants


TGIF Quicktake readers! Here are 10 stories to help end your week on a higher note.

1. After racist Covid backlash, U.S. neighborhoods are rallying behind Chinese restaurants. Chinese restaurants in the U.S. are now reopening faster than any other type of independent restaurant.

2. The first female soldier graduates the Special Forces Qualification Course. The soldier received her Special Forces Tab and donned her Green Beret during this ceremony alongside her classmates.

3. Singapore is set to become the first country to roll out a portable contact tracing device. The first batch of the TraceTogether Token will have a battery that can last 9 months. It will be small and eventually come in different colors.

4. Police in Bangladesh have begun incorporating yoga into their morning routines. They hope the exercise can keep them mentally and physically healthy while coping with the stress of enforcing the country's lockdown.

5. A ballet school in Nigeria is bringing free classical dance lessons to underserved children. The Leap of Dance Academy offers free lessons and ballet shoes to young kids, most of whom had never heard of ballet before.

6. Sony released a wearable personal air conditioner designed to fit inside a T-shirt pocket. The device is capable of lowering a person's skin temperature by up to 23 degrees and has a heating mode for winter.

7. Engineers at UCLA developed a high-tech glove that can instantly translate American Sign Language into English speech. It works via a smartphone app to help the deaf community communicate with anyone.

8. These two men built 1,200 hand washing stations to slow the spread of Covid-19 in Haiti. 70% of the population doesn't have direct access to water so the stations were created out of repurposed water drums. 

9. Starbucks opened a signing-only store in Tokyo. The store is staffed with workers who mostly use sign language as a way to create a space for deaf and hard of hearing customers and employees alike.

10. Barbados is set to introduce a 12-month "welcome stamp." This would allow foreigners to stay for an entire year and work remotely in a bid to keep tourism alive for the Caribbean country.

Have a great weekend! Watch your inbox for our next newsletter on Monday. Follow QuickTake on TwitterYouTubeInstagram, and Facebook.

Thanks for reading!
Masiel Torres


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