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Latest from Science News: This weird quantum state of matter was made in orbit for the first time

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This weird quantum state of matter was made in orbit for the first time

Jun 11 2020 5:00 AM

Bose-Einstein condensates made on the International Space Station could reach temperatures lower than any known in the universe.

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Science News will observe #ShutDownSTEM on June 10

Jun 09 2020 8:38 PM

Our staff will use this time away from the daily news cycle to start working to improve our coverage of race and inequity.

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No, you can't hear the difference between sick and healthy coughs

Jun 09 2020 7:01 PM

A study shows humans can't distinguish between the sound of a cough from someone with an infectious disease and someone with a tickle in the throat.


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How often do asymptomatic people spread the coronavirus? It's unclear

Jun 09 2020 6:35 PM

A WHO official said people without COVID-19 symptoms rarely spread the virus, but there's a lot that researchers don't yet understand.

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Lockdowns may have averted 531 million coronavirus infections

Jun 09 2020 11:25 AM

Policies that kept residents at home and closed businesses were largely effective at slowing the pandemic's spread, two studies suggest.

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A nose-horned dragon lizard lost to science for over 100 years has been found

Jun 09 2020 6:00 AM

It's now known that a Modigliani's lizard, first found in 1891 in Indonesia, is bright green but can shift shades like a chameleon.

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Biomedical studies are including more female subjects (finally)
Jun 09 2020 3:00 AM

In 2019, 49 percent of biomedical research articles had both male and female subjects, almost double the percentage a decade years ago.

The Milky Way���s giant gas bubbles were seen in visible light for the first time
Jun 08 2020 8:00 AM

Variation in the light's wavelengths could help scientists map the velocity of the gas that makes up the towering structures known as Fermi bubbles.

Fish poop exposes what eats the destructive crown-of-thorns starfish
Jun 08 2020 6:00 AM

During population booms, crown-of-thorns can devastate coral reefs. Identifying predators of the coral polyp slurpers could help protect the reefs.

What the 1960s civil rights protests can teach us about fighting racism today
Jun 05 2020 2:42 PM

Princeton political scientist Omar Wasow talks about how his research into violent versus nonviolent protests applies to the current moment.

5 reasons you might be seeing more wildlife during the COVID-19 pandemic
Jun 05 2020 6:00 AM

From rats and coyotes in the streets to birds in the trees, people are noticing more animals than ever during the time of the coronavirus.

Taking hydroxychloroquine may not prevent COVID-19 after exposure
Jun 04 2020 3:58 PM

Hydroxychloroquine didn't protect health-care workers from getting sick after being exposed to someone with COVID-19, a new study shows.

Rapid sea level rise could drown protective mangrove forests by 2100
Jun 04 2020 2:00 PM

Mangroves have kept up with rising water so far, but new research reveals their limits.

A #BlackBirdersWeek cofounder aims to amplify black nature enthusiasts
Jun 04 2020 11:30 AM

Wildlife biologist Danielle Belleny hopes the social media campaign represents black birders and nature enthusiasts of color in a hobby often stereotyped as white.

A Milky Way flash implicates magnetars as a source of fast radio bursts
Jun 04 2020 6:00 AM

A bright radio burst seen from a magnetar in the Milky Way suggests that similar objects produce the mysterious fast radio bursts observed in other galaxies.

A new device can produce electricity using shadows
Jun 03 2020 12:00 PM

Even under low light, this new technology exploits the contrast between light and shade to produce a current that can power small electronics.

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