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India's allies pitch in with weapons and other stories

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ET Defence News

Mon, Jun 29, 2020 | 12:51 PM IST

Ladakh standoff: India's allies pitching in with weapons and ammunition

Allies are pitching in with commitments to deliver urgently needed weapons for the armed forces....

Flashpoint Galwan: 'Y Nalla' turns new frontier as Chinese sever PP-14 access

Chinese troops have created more positions by bringing in building equipment on a new road....

China once again claims sovereignty over Galwan Valley

China has claimed its sovereignty over the 'Galwan Valley', asking India to back off....

Galwan River Valley: An important history lesson

China probably feels that just like in 1962, India will stand down to its aggressive tactics this time too....

Coronavirus Updates
Delhi plasma bank to open in 2 days, says Arvind Kejriwal
"I appeal to COVID-19 recovered patients to donate their plasma... Anyone who needs plasma will need a recommendation from a doctor," Kejriwal said.
Bengaluru slips in Covid standing as cases surge eight-fold in June
Over 100 global leaders appeal to declare covid-19 vaccines a common good
Tamil Nadu covid-19 cases breach 82,000 mark
Maharashtra lockdown: CM Uddhav Thackeray says curbs will continue after June 30
Galwan Valley: Tensions rise as China brings back tent at clash site

Satellite images show China has resumed construction activity at the place of skirmish....

India keeps vigilant eye on Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir as Chinese air activity increases

While the PLAAF can make up for the high altitude by deploying aerial tankers, Indian military planners have always been wary that in a time of con...

Countering China's aggression: US bill seeks to train Indian fighter pilots

The National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA) for the 2021 fiscal year starting October, which the US Senate took up on Thursday, seeks fighter jet...

Not just a border conflict, there's much more to it

As the Indian and Chinese armies begin the process of disengagement in Galwan Valley, closely monitored with huge distrust marking the process, the...

India evaluating if Oli government of Nepal gifted territory to China

New Delhi is evaluating the exact location of the Chinese encroachment in Nepal and its proximity to the Indian border and whether the move was mad...

Havildar Palani: The man trusted by Colonel Santosh Babu for field acumen

Havildar Palani hailed from Tamil Nadu's Ramanathapuram. He was serving with the army's 81 Field Artillery regiment and was attached with 16 Bihar,...


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