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Coronavirus is not under control, Fauci warns


Greetings, QuickTake readers! In this edition: Deadly earthquake strikes Mexico City, FBI concludes no hate crime against Bubba Wallace, and how coronavirus is breeding a new epidemic of contaminated trash.

Coronavirus is not under control

The U.S. government's top infectious-disease expert, Anthony Fauci, told Congress the next few weeks will be critical to keeping a "disturbing surge" of coronavirus cases in the U.S. under control.

Fauci and other top officials from the CDC and FDA testified before the House of Representatives Tuesday as cases surged in several states, with Arizona, California, Mississippi, Nevada and Texas setting single-day records for new infections.

"An increase in community spread" may explain some spikes, Fauci told lawmakers, and "that's something that I'm really quite concerned about."

Here's what else you missed:

  • It's a question of "when, not if" the U.S. will have a Covid-19 vaccine, Fauci said, adding he's "cautiously optimistic" there'll be one by early 2021—but he warned there'll be no summer lull in the virus's spread.
  • "None of us have ever been told to slow down testing," he said, contradicting President Trump over claims he made in Tulsa when he said he told his people "slow the testing down."
  • Institutional racism adds to the virus's disproportionate burden on African Americans, who often work essential jobs interacting with the public and are prone to illnesses that worsen Covid-19 symptoms.
  • "Deaths always lag considerably behind cases," he said, pointing out that it's too soon to tell whether a jump in infections among young people is holding down the overall mortality rate.

Fauci said he understands the urge to return to normal as the U.S. continues reopening, but that has "to be a gradual step-by-step process and not throwing caution to the wind," he said. "Plan A, don't go in a crowd. Plan B, if you do, make sure you wear a mask."

$ignificant figures

7.4. The magnitude of an earthquake that struck near Oaxaca in southern Mexico, killing at least five people and trapping at least 15 others under rubble before sparking a fire at the nation's biggest oil refinery.

10. Trump vowed to arrest "vandals, hoodlums, anarchists and agitators" who vandalize monuments or statues, saying he wants the maximum punishment available under federal law—up to a decade in prison.

1.8%. U.S. alcohol sales fell by that much in 2020, indicating Americans are actually drinking less during the coronavirus pandemic, and global alcohol consumption likely won't rebound to pre-Covid-19 levels until 2024.

Highly quotable

"Reciprocity." When the EU opens its borders July 1, it may deny entry to citizens from the U.S., Brazil, China and Russia because Covid-19 infection rates remain too high.

"Not the target of a hate crime." The FBI said video evidence showed a "rope fashioned like a noose" that was found in NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace's Talladega speedway garage has been there since October 2019.

"We can't be complacent or smug." Barack Obama told Democrats to learn the lessons from 2016 and not take the election for granted during a virtual fundraiser for Joe Biden that raised a record-breaking $7.6 million.

This is not normal

Off the charts. An epidemic of contaminated waste is booming as cities generate more medical trash than usual during the pandemic, including  240 tons per day in Wuhan, 280 tons in Manila, and 212 tons in Jakarta.

The future is now

Robo-restaurant. Hong Kong's Food On cafe has gone full-on automated, deploying machines to replace chefs and waiters and space-saving pots and pans with mechanical arms to hygienically handle stir-fry ingredients.

What's good

Model patrons. London cocktail bar Mr Fogg's may soon employ Victorian-dressed mannequins to enforce social distancing in a bid to keep the bar's "buzzy" vibe without leaving tables empty or removing furnitures.

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BTW: Mourners honored the memory of Rayshard Brooks at a funeral in the Atlanta church where Martin Luther King Jr. preached his first sermon. Watch.

We want to know: What have you been up to during the Covid-19 lockdown? Share your photos and videos, wherever you are, here.

Thanks for reading!
-Andrew Mach


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