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How we’ll work has never been so uncertain

Bloomberg Opinion Today

Now that bloom is off the rose for many workers who found themselves in hastily established home offices at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, some have begun asking themselves: How long is this going to last? Are we ever returning to our cubicles at all? If we do, will it actually be safe? Not every profession, of course, lends itself to working from home, and not everyone thrives without in-office camaraderie. And as the lines continue to blur between our personal and professional lives, how the crisis — combined with the devastating effects of an economy in shambles — will effect our psyches, our paychecks and our job opportunities is anything but clear. 

Work From Home Is Fine . . . For NowConor Sen

Covid-19 Won't Change Everything for Workers. Right?Justin Fox

To Restart Business, Protect WorkersMichael R. Bloomberg

Why Open Offices Will SurviveSarah Green Carmichael

The Coronavirus Isn't the End of Your Career — Rachel Rosenthal

The Pandemic's Gender Bias Needs Urgent FixingElisa Martinuzzi

We Can't Wait Until It's Safe to Lift LockdownsFaye Flam

Coronavirus Will End the Golden Age for College TownsNoah Smith

Coronavirus Is Making Universal Basic Income Look BetterTyler Cowen and Garry Kasparov

This is the Theme of the Week edition of Bloomberg Opinion Today, a roundup of our top commentary published every Sunday.


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