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A vaccine requires data and patience

Bloomberg Opinion Today

Cooped-up people around the world have been clinging to the hope that a vaccine that will quell the Covid-19 pandemic can be developed quickly. Biotech company Moderna Inc.'s stock soared this week after it announced promising results from a trial of its coronavirus vaccine — news that was quickly tempered by the company's failure to release data that could back up its claims. With the cratering global economy unlikely to recover until a viable vaccine or treatment can be discovered, it was a bleak reminder that medical progress is not a straight, fast-moving line — and no one can achieve it on their own.

Vaccine Developers Like Moderna Need to Take Their TimeMax Nisen

Eradicating Covid-19 Might Justify Risky Vaccine TrialsEditorial Board

A Vaccine With a Poison PillMatt Levine

Moderna Fiasco Shows Power of Stock Market NarrativesJohn Authers

This Was a Big Week in Coronavirus ImmunityFaye Flam

AstraZeneca Is Caught Up in Delicate Vaccine PoliticsChris Hughes

Moderna Vaccine Whiplash Demands Better DisclosureMax Nisen

America Has Opted for a Bad RecessionNarayana Kocherlakota

The U.S. Can't Defeat Coronavirus AloneEditorial Board

It's a Good Time to Raise Vaccine MoneyMatt Levine

This is the Theme of the Week edition of Bloomberg Opinion Today, a roundup of our top commentary published every Sunday.


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