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The toll mounts

Weekend Reading

The coronavirus now has a face. Li Wenliang, a doctor who sounded the alarm early in the epidemic, died of the disease at the age of 34. His death sparked an outpouring of anger in China at how President Xi Jingping has handled the crisis, which has killed hundreds. The economic toll is mounting as well: Cruise line passengers are being infected and the world's retailers are taking a hit. Meanwhile, the Fed is watching.

What you'll want to read this weekend

Following his acquittal in his Senate impeachment trial, President Donald Trump has been proclaiming himself vindicated. He may also be emboldened to seek payback rather than reconciliation. In addition to being able to keep his job, he got some additional good news: U.S. employers ramped up hiring in January.

Credit Suisse moved to end its spying scandal by removing CEO Tidjane Thiam in favor of Thomas Gottstein, the first Swiss head of the bank in decades. Here's what investors were saying before the ouster.

The blades on a wind turbine, a whizzing symbol for green energy, can't be recycled. So they're landfill fodder. And in another climate change shocker, they're wearing T-shirts in Antarctica.

Rockets that are relatively quick and cheap have become a U.S. priority. We look at Astra, the aerospace company leading the pack that aims for regular, if smaller, payloads at only $1 million a launch.

On the subject of rockets, Tesla's epic six-day rally fell back to Earth. Steve Eisman, he of "The Big Short," finally sold his bet. Tesla stock, he said, had become "cult-like." The wild ride renewed the debate over whether traditional stock picking is past its expiry.

What you'll need to know next week

What you'll want to read in Bloomberg Wealth

How Much You Need to Be In the 1%, and Where

From India to the United Arab Emirates to Canada and Australia, here's how much you must earn to join the 1%. As inequality widens all over the world, even this club is stratifying: It takes four times as much to jump from the top 1% in the U.S. to the 0.1%.

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