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A mesmerizing look at a black hole

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3-D printed ‘ghost guns’ pose new challenges for crime-scene investigators

Researchers are analyzing the ballistics of 3-D printed guns and the plastic they leave behind to help forensic scientists track these DIY weapons.
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IPCC report warns of a bleak future for oceans and frozen regions under climate change

Earth’s oceans and frozen regions are changing alarmingly quickly, scientists warn in the first comprehensive look at how greenhouse gas emissions are altering the planet’s seas and cryosphere.
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NASA’s new black hole visualizations showcase how gravity warps light

Images from computer simulations highlight how the extreme gravity of a black hole tampers with light rays emanating from its accretion disk to create weird patterns.
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A mouse’s metabolism may follow circadian rhythms set by gut bacteria

While animals’ circadian clocks control functions from sleep to hormone release, gut bacteria dictate when mice’s small intestines take up fat.
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Baby bottles may go back millennia in Europe

Europe’s early farmers used spouted vessels to wean infants, an analysis of residue from animal milk left in the containers suggests.
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Mice fidget. Those motions have big effects on their brains

Unnecessary motion has a profound and widespread effect on nerve cell behavior in mice.
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Disabling one protein might one day lead to a cure for the common cold

An uncommon way of thinking may be bringing scientists one step closer to a cure for the common cold.
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Connecting our dwindling natural habitats could help preserve plant diversity

As pristine habitats shrink worldwide, a massive, 18-year experiment suggests that linking up what's left with natural corridors could help ecosystems retain plant diversity.
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This fast radio burst shined a light on a galaxy’s mysterious gas halo

A lucky alignment let astronomers probe one galaxy’s diffuse gas using a brief, bright blast from a more distant galaxy.
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Cats may have ‘attachment styles’ that mirror people’s

Contrary to cats’ aloof reputation, most felines form deep, secure bonds with their owners, researchers say.
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