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RBI accepts slowdown, goes for 35 bps cut

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Wed, Aug 07, 2019 | 04:36 PM IST

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RBI accepts slowdown, goes for 35 bps cut

RBI had cut the policy rate by 75 basis points prior to this review.

SBI takes a cue from RBI, cuts MCLR by 15 bps across all tenors

The 1 Year MCLR would come down to 8.25% p.a from 8.40% p.a. with effect from 10th Aug 2019....

Banks get the gamechanger they were waiting for

The participants in RBI's payment system will be given access to this registry for fraud monitoring that is likely to...

Now verify your ITR without login to your e-filing account

It is mandatory for the taxpayer to verify ITR within 120 days of filing the tax return.

Can Indian single malts be global brands?
Domestic liquor giant Radico Khaitan wants a global profile for its Rampur Single Malt
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A 35 bps cut denotes RBI is not panicking A 35 bps cut denotes RBI is not panicking...
Abheek Barua, HDFC Bank
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