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Iran cool on Trump overture

Balance of Power
Balance of Power
From Bloomberg Politics
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If President Donald Trump's bid to negotiate with North Korea's Kim Jong Un is a work in progress — three meetings to date and no breakthrough — his suggestion of face time with Iran's leader appears dead on arrival.

Iranian officials ruled out Trump talks with President Hassan Rouhani, who rejected a photo-op and said the U.S. must lift sanctions first.

Rouhani faces a different domestic landscape to Kim and has to be more responsive to public pressure with parliamentary elections due in February. Iranians are suffering with an economy creaking under U.S. penalties reintroduced after Trump withdrew from the international nuclear deal, and politicians in Tehran are divided over whether to engage with Washington.

There are perils for Trump too, from angering stridently anti-Iran allies in the Middle East, such as Saudi Arabia and Israel — where Benjamin Netanyahu faces a tough repeat election next month — to Republicans who view Tehran as an arch-enemy of the U.S.

That's not to say there isn't pressure on Iran to find some face-saving way back from the brink.

For now, Iran joins other short-lived diplomatic breakthroughs to emerge from the Group of Seven summit, from a trade deal with China that now appears as distant as ever to aid for the Amazon rejected by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

— Karl Maier

 Source: Iranian Presidential Photo Service

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What to Watch

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And finally … Emmanuel Macron is embroiled in an increasingly personal fight with the Brazilian president that's having real geopolitical implications. Brazil is rejecting the 20 million euros the French president announced on behalf of the G-7 to tackle the Amazon rainforest fires. "Thank you, but perhaps that money is better spent reforesting Europe," Bolsonaro's chief of staff told a G1 blogger.

Images of the Amazon forest have flooded the internet, as cutting and burning alerts in the 2 million-square-mile rainforest — home to 10% of all known plant and animal species — soared to multiyear highs over the past weeks. Click here to see the latest from the ground. Photographer: Leonardo Carrato/Bloomberg


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