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The world and Trump: Theme of the Week

Bloomberg Opinion Today

President Donald Trump's tenure in the White House has been wildly successful in at least one way: He's made it impossible for anyone to ignore him. But his reality-show approach to leadership — while frustrating for allies looking for predictability and maddening for critics looking for more gravitas — often leads to little more than fast-fizzling fireworks. A trade truce with China seems unlikely to result in lasting peace; just when a tariff war with Mexico got settled, a new one with Europe started up. And while Trump continues to rail against his predecessor's policies, he also risks falling into some of the same policy traps. Bloomberg Opinion writers followed Trump's trail around the world this week, from domestic complexities to troubles across the pond and beyond.

Trump in Danger of Repeating Obama's Iran Mistake – Bobby Ghosh

Trump Shows How Powerful America Is By Weakening It – Hal Brands

Trump Made Huawei a Political Pawn – Tim Culpan

Trump's Tariff Barrage Forces the EU Into a Corner – Lionel Laurent

Don't Give Trump Too Much Credit for a Trade Truce – Daniel Moss

Trump Hasn't Surrendered on Huawei — Yet – Eli Lake

This is the Theme of the Week edition of Bloomberg Opinion Today, Sunday's roundup of our biggest commentary topic this week.

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