The Jonas Brothers are BACK, ladies and gents, and we need some appreciation for Kevin Jonas.

The only thing I've been able to talk about for the past three months has been the fact that THE JONAS BROTHERS ARE BACK. Ten years ago, at the height of their fame, I couldn't get enough of Joe's tight, white pants and smoldering looks. The past few years, Nick (and his arms) have captured my heart, and he's even made it on this newsletter a few times.
But it's time to give the oldest Jonas brother the recognition he deserves. Kevin Jonas sadly doesn't get as much attention as his brothers, but ladies and gentlemen, this needs to change. First, look at those BICEPS. They're practically about to burst! Also, he's experienced an overall glow-up that my mind can't totally comprehend. It's like he's radiating a newfound confidence from within, and it's a good fucking look.
With the new Jonas Brothers album coming out tomorrow and their reunion tour starting this summer, all the Kevin thirst content is about to reach new levels, so somebody, please give me a glass of water. š¦ As always, send in your recommendations for thirst traps by replying to this email!
Yours in thirst, Ciera (@ciera.velarde) BuzzFeed, Inc. 111 E. 18th St. New York, NY 10003 We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a small share of sales from the links in this email. |
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