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Complete Failure. If you upvote this, it will show up on google as Complete Failure

You're wrong, bastard! http://www.seriespapaya.com/ver/games-of-thrones/temporada-7/capitulo-6.html

You stop with your logic right now.

You gotta be Spanish to do that.

You forgot Gibraltar for Britain forever.

Yes, and Madrid will pay for them!

Yeah, I know, I tried, it shows episode 5 for everyone else. Tried refreshing the page and same result.

Yeah especially that area from Florida to California, that was the worst one.

Wth is an unpload?

wtf I love Moors now

Why do gallegos open milk cartons at the supermarket? Because it says "open here" on the box.

What can you expect from a monarchy? Literally a country filled with kneelers.

Western/South Europe's infrastructure is so fucked too. As soon as you exit a city of any size, you have 3 kilometers left of actual internet. After that, welcome back to the bandwidth of 2005 (under 5 Mbps) which means no internet TV, no smart TV (well, you can buy one but you won't do anything "smart" with it), ...

We don't do it to Brazil because Brazil itself is the biggest joke.

We did it! Yeees!

was the leak correct?

Very long night....... Spain you know nothing!

Unless someone fucked up again.

To be fair, this happened at 5 am local time and we all know how much Spainards love their sleep

To be fair, four Indians got arrested for leaking the episode. Maybe the Spaniards are just trying to figure out the best way to share the episode with the rest of us without being caught

To be fair with Spain, I have no idea how I would record something on TV on the spot with no advance warning. Nobody records TV nowadays in Europe since everything worth recording first air in the US months/years in advance, which makes it available to us Europeans.

to be fair when Spain discovered America they were already collapsing (not Spain) and don't remember exactly but one of that civilizations was already dead.

Three ways to watch GoT in France for instance:

This turned out much longer than I originally planned.

This sounds like it could become a thing.

This should be higher, someone should be able to give you instructions how to record/capture that stream.

This only demonstrates the need for the complete and immediate independence of Catalonia.

This is what happens when you let the Spaniards back into the pantry

This is honestly hilarious

This is gonna be some weird stereotype for a week where anyone of remotely Spanish descent will be barraged with this question....

They weren't collapsing at all. This happened in 1492, during the Catholic Kings' rule. They were growing, and faster than ever. Next ruler (1516) was Charles the first of Spain and fifth of Germany (Holy Roman Empire), who not only inherited the Catholic Kings' kingdom, he also got a bunch of shit from the Habsburg house- most importantly the chance to become emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (which he did in 1519 using, of course, Spain's resources, which the Spanish were pissed off with and started two major revolts that were suffocated).

They uploaded the episode 4 leak.

They can conquer the Maya, Inca, and Aztec empires but they can't upload a video.


Then, we have Phillip II, called "the Prudent" because he overthought shit, who did not inherit the Holy Roman Empire (Charles gave that to his brother), but still had a pretty hefty empire and even managed the acquire Portugal in 1581. By the end of his rule in 1598, the country was in massive debt, and this was the start of a massive decline in hegemony. To support this, the next three kings were useless, and left the whole ruling aspect of being a king to their "validos" (basically their right hand):

Their wall is very effective.

Their empire, their armada, their leaks.. It's failures all the way down

The torrent is now out with shit audio but left HD and English.

The rain in Spain is dark and full of terrors.

The next day he receives an answer

The last German wall fell in the 90s. It wasn't very effective.

The indians "stole" it and leaked it from inside the company that had the episodes, while this one was aired by mistake directly on the official channel so it's just the same as uploading any episode.

The father's confused, he doesn't knows what to make of it: Yes, the son visits US or Yes, WE visit HIM? So the father writes back.

The Dutch police are on the look out for a pair of suspected rapist, so they set up a checkpoint. Soon enough, a car with Belgian plates containing two people rides up (badly-they're Belgians) and is stopped. The policeman motions to the driver to open the window, and he does.

The driver rolls up the window and starts arguing vigorously with his passenger for a minute or two. Then, finally, the argument stops and the driver rolls down the window again.

The answer you are looking for is:

That's what happens when we're the center of IT

that's fantastic oh my god, we literally do the same shit in Brasil but with the Portuguese

That's cos there is no question about that. EVER!

That sounds like a shitty way of watching the magnificent program.

That is indeed a funny joke, the Falkland Islands are British. Hey, how is Gibraltar doing?

That is all. Have a good day.

That flag is dope

Thanks madarchod. It's all the Independence day modimagixxx

Thank You for getting me up to speed on what's going on. I feel better now. I had an anxiety attack of sort lol. So, how come there are 1k+ comments on s07e06 discussion threads? They have seen the entire episodes or just the bits,I don't want to click those threads and get spoiled.

Tengo que admitir algo. Me encanta el acento andaluz. Allí está. Lo dije.


Stuff like that, very /r/dadjokes style

Still a rock full of monkeys

Spanish colonies should have demanded their independence sooner.

Spaniards confirmed talkers.

Spaniard here, just woke up and found this, haven't laughed so hard in weeks hahaha thanks guys, this is so classic Spain xD

Spain is full of kneelers.

Spain is Europes Florida!

Soz, amigos.

Sounds like every video from a Spanish speaking country I have ever seen.

Some people got lucky and were able to see the instagram live feed before it was taken down after it's second run, there were other sources but as far as I know, the live feed was one of the first ones people watched unless you were from spain and saw the episode.

So they used to be good at uploading but not anymore?

So there was this family that missed their son who went away for school, as the summer approached the father sent him a telegram (this joke is that old):

So just to recap; the entire episode six aired on HBO in Spain in full HD today because someone at SpainHBO fucked up and pushed a button 5 days early.

Shame Spain shame! bell rings shame

seriously tho, that flag is fuckin sexy.

Se queda

RIP my fallen curry nigga

R'hllor save us, for Spain is dark and full of noobs!

Reconquista was a mistake.

Raped 3/4ths of a hemisphere and still can't do shit.

Psss I'd go for Queen Letizia

Produce the episode and America will come and give you freedom, like they do for everyone else in Europe.

Possibly Spanish? https://gfycat.com/VillainousLivelyEft

-Portugal, probably

Por qué mueren tan pocos argentinos en terremotos? Porque ni la tierra los traga.

Peru and Chili are alright though.

Pajeet paid the iron price for that.

Pajeet morghules

One year they triggered new year's celebrations a few minutes early.

On top of that, we have another Spaniard trying to STREAM the episode using streaming services like twitch and youtube thinking that people will be able to see it before it gets taken down. After being banned from twitch and most likely getting his youtube suspended, he "gives up" after seemingly being the only person in whole country who knows how to capture video properly, yet doesn't know how to upload it to a torrent site.


Ok my bad, they fucked up hard.

Oh I assure you we would, ????????!

o gosh now I'm blanking, but they're exactly like the ones you mentioned, in fact, the first one with the milk I've heard before but with the portuguese instead! Like, exactly that joke.

NukeSpain is a thing on Twitter. Fuck Spain.

Now wait a minute, Floridians are savages but they at least know how to use computers. They do dissasemble and smoke the components eventually but that's another issue entirely...

Not necessarily. Back when GTA 5 came out, some people in the US got it several days earlier. And what did we get? Some shaky, out of focus, 5-second vines, because apparently none of these people knew how to properly record a long video and then upload it somewhere.

Not hard to find. Good luck. I just finished watching it. Holy shit.

Not a single Soul tried to capture that beautiful thing called episode 6 in its full glory ; ah it's end of the days(until Sunday)

None would imply it does it itself.

No, the Spaniards banged the mayans and turned them into Mexicans.

No, that's Greece

No, not Great Britain. How is Gibraltar doing?

No, no Smart TV or Playstation, and it doesn't work on PC. I have to remind everyone that it seems like only a few got it working.

No wonder thier empire died.

No se dice así en español.

Mexicans may be known for their industriousness, but with German engineering and what I believe include some reparations still, I'm sure we can manage them to cover this one for us.

Me cago en la puta leche


Makes me proud to be Indian. And it was our Independence day yesterday. This is only a sign of good things for us. Bask in this glory fellow behen chods.


Literally as they are a bunch of goddamn monarchists.

Let me translate a few:

Let China build the wall! That thing stands for centuries!

Legit thought this was some kind of spanish anarchist subreddit.

Just like their fooking armada invasion, this was a disaster smh

Just found it a few mins ago.

Joder tío


I've heard it's worst in Catalunha!

It's funny because your name and surname are spanish

it's been truly a Long Night

It was a glitch where if you let the credits roll on episode 5 it would autoplay episode 6 but only for them.

It lasted long enough.

It ain't pretty, or hi-fi, but it's something.

India confirmed for 1st world country and superpower. Spain confirmed for computer illiterate slum.


In India they upload the leaked 4th episode within minutes.

In Argentina we have an entire category of silly jokes known as "Gallegos jokes" (Gallegos being slang for all Spaniards, even though it's specifically the name for those born in Galicia).

I'm waiting for the full HD experience even if it means waiting a few days.

I'm spanish and I'm sorry.

I'm spanish and I can't believe those guys, they are either trolling or full retarded.

I'm running screen cap on a recorded stream (dead link but still playing for me) broadcast via potato...

I'm glad Neymar left.

I'm drunk and fairly confused by thid

I'm catalan and I agree with this.

I'm a simple Italian, I see Spain bashing, I upvote. What time was it though, 3am? They were probably busy having dinner...

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

I'll translate one:

I'll never not upvote an IASIFP reference, even if it's wrong

If you're feeling revolutionary, can you take Texas back?

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

If it was Russia the whole thing would be steamed before it finished.

If I were you, I'd wait for the HD torrent/link then plunge into that thread

I would have had this ep uploaded in HD to mega within an hour.

I would gladly pay Homage to Catalonia!

I wont vacation in Spain, I promise you that sir

I wish this leak/accident happened in a country better equipped, like the Nordic countries, or so technologically behind that they're better suited for it (Russia/Poland/Ukraine would have pumped out some nice VHSrip!).

I wish Napoleon succeeded in his invasion.

I thought that they got it on TV.

I think you get the idea, they truly aren't the brightest bulb in the box.

I say we build a wall around spain and make mexico pay for it.

i say we build a wall around Spain and make Mexico pay for it

I prefer Queen Latifa

I love you guys

I live in Gibraltar, please make landfall around Madrid so I'm safe. I still have to see the episode.

I had a good joke about Brazil but somebody stole it. At gunpoint.

I got it in HD, but oh boy only Spaniards can mess up with Spain

I found the HBO kneeler!

I feel something broken inside me ...

I don't see any episodes being uploaded from Barcelona either....

i demand action to be taken. If they can't leak episodes they shouldn't get to enjoy game of thrones at all. The spaniards are nothing but goddamn kneelers

I can't believe we've turned Spain into a meme because of two incompetent A-Holes who refused to upload the leak and streamed it on YouTube and fucking Twitch.

I bet the Portuguese would have done it properly.


https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/18374356/Game_of_Thrones_S07E06_SD_[Leaked]_-_[ECLiPSE] YESSSSSSSSSSS





How many galicians are needed to unpload a leaked GoT episode? Apparently, none.

House Espana's words: "We do not seed"

Hey it was, I assume, a well built wall

Hey Argentina, I have a joke for you: ¡Malvinas argentinas!

Heeeeey dude! They demand they independence from us and you add them. Just sacrifice them to the lors of light and problem resolved


Have you seen their king tho? I might be persuaded to get on my knees for him.

Have you been to Mexico? Que Fantastico.

Has it ever occured to someone that they might be getting too good at building walls? You make them build walls around every country, amd they keep learning. One day you wake up and find that the Mexicans have built a dome around the entire USA.

haha, that's awesome, I didn't know that.

Greetings from Spain, nice episode, watched in HD with a not so bad audio.

God has truly abandoned us

Gimme your best Portuguese Joke, go!


Gallegos jokes are also a thing in Mexico. My favorite:

Fucking SPAIN!!!!


Fuckin kneelers

Fuck Spain. Bunch of Kneeling cunts.

Francisco Franco did nothing wrong.

Forget North Korea... better to point our nukes on Spain....also, they gave us Enrique Iglesias and his dad too so better add an extra nuke in there too


Felipe??! He looks like a cross between Assad and Bill Nye. No way.

Fallout 4 wasn't much better either

Fail at this, and you can stay with your fascist country, or whatever. I dunno, Spanish history is a black hole after the 1936 revolution. Franco is some manner of undead eternal President, I think?

Every country has its joke country, Sweden has Norway(who has Sweden), France the Belgium etc.

Even if you get to watch the episode, you'd still have to wait two weeks for the next one

Even if I managed to do it, I'd lose at least the first 20 minutes trying and there's no way I'm missing 20 minutes of a new episode.

Even a Fucking Dorthraki or Unsullied could have uploaded the Fucking Chapter. Fucking Kneelers, Fucking Shit , all day fucking Waiting, Where is the fucking chapter!

Estaban en siesta.

es agosto la gente esta de vacaciones, de siesta 24/7

Eeeehhhhh, the chances of getting your face cut off rise steeply.

EDIT: Third. Forgot the Inquisition. No one expected it.

Edit: Oops, philly starts with an F in spanish

Edit: I'm surprised at the people disagreeing with me on Peru! When I went there I had a great time, can someone explain to me what exactly is wrong with the country?

Easily the second worst thing Spain has ever done.

Dude it was on hbo go which is a streaming service, they had hours to prepare and record it but chose to record it on a phone while talking or screencap badly then stream it on youtube and twitch instead of uploading it somewhere which is retarded to say the least. They failed on so many levels.

Dos argentinos llegan a Italia. Dice uno: – Che, ¿habrá argentinos acá en Roma? – Y, no sé, mirá en la guía telefónica. Y el otro lee: – Baldini, Fabbri, Corranti, Dominici, Benvenutto, Ferrutti… ¡Che, Roma está llena de apellidos argentinos!

Dont worry, you guys are a British territory! You're fine

Don't be so hard on yourselves. When another spanish TV station aired an episode of Better Call Saul one week early they had that shit up in an hour. Some you win, some you lose.

do you know how to F12/inspect element?

Do you have the episode then??


Did you search in Spanish? Did you search where Spanish people posts their uploaded videos(like Taringa, etc)? Do you speak Spanish ?

did India upload?


Cuba and Puerto Rico are probably pissed though.

Considering 2/6 episodes have been leaked the odds aren't so bad.

COMPLETE FUCKING FAILURE. if this happens in the US the link would've gone up and spread in 10 seconds

Chile? haha

Can't fucking do anything right. India >>> Spain

But whatever it's no big deal to wait till next week and better for HBO finances.

But they do have their priorities, and that's all that matters.

But that's none of my business.

But I'm in Texas. I'd rather be part of Mexico right now though.

Blaming the Maine on Spain was justified.

better version

Belgium has the added value of being fodder for 'rapist/sexual degenerate' jokes along with the generic 'stupid' ones:


At least we know that, regardless of what happens, we can always count on some spanish TV station to fuck up and air something before they should have.

At least i saw that sweet boat scene, i cannot fooking wait to see it in good quality!

As an American, I'm starting to think you may be right.

As a non-American and the way things are going over there at the moment I'm more than OK with this!

As a Mexican, all I can say is that Spain took away all our gold and I can live with that. But tonight, they just took all my hope away, now I must hide in the dark until Sunday to avoid spoilers.

As a Mexican I could agree. First they conquer us and changes our gods, make us slaves and then this??? Gallegos tenían que ser chingada madre

Are you getting more smart TVs or capture cards if you're independent?

And yet despite having the entire episode air in its entirety, in HD, and in English, it is now seven hours later and not a single soul in Spain has been able to figure out how to upload the episode. All we got was a drunk Spaniard pointing his phone at his tv and streaming the entire episode but only for mobile users (because fuck people using computers or who don't have instagram amirite?) while tipping his phone this way and that and jabbering and laughing in Spanish.

And yesterday was a holiday here too.

And their watch has ended.

And most of them don't even have internet, smart tvs, playstations, or even clean drinking water.

And full of terrors.

And everyone's got Trump's USA ;)

An illiterate slum in Europe that, for some reason, speaks Mexican!

American here that's overly obsessed with Spanish culture. Just want to take this opportunity to say a few things.

all their colonies are shitholes

Ah haha yeah, sorry! In my language it's Chili and autocorrect overruled me. Could be worse though, chili is definitely alright too!

After the warranty expires.

Aaaay a hacer sacrificios a quetzalcoatle jotito

A Neymar mention in /r/freefolk. Truly wonderful.

A German machine never fails late, nor fails it early, it fails precisely when it is meant to!

A gallego is driving while listening to the news on the radio. Radio says "be careful, we're getting reports of a maniac driving in the opposite direction". The Gallego goes "One? There are thousands"

A gallego goes to the doctor. "Every time I drink coffee, my eye hurts". "You have to remove the spoon Manolo".

a dude streamed from pc using this link https://es.hboespana.com/series/game-of-thrones/season-7/episode-6/3b1f95c-00c62b2b04e/player

A couple days later he receives the response

5PA1N remember that night

*We all know how Germany's wall ended. *

"Sorry to stop you, sir, but we're looking for two rapists."

"Ok," He says, "We'll do it."

"Manuel is taking a shower, and shouts to Maria: "Maria, bring me a shampoo." Maria hands him the shampoo. Soon after, he shouts again: "Maria, bring me another shampoo." - But I just gave you one!

"Manolo, come help, a plane fell over the cemetery". "Anybody hurt?" "Yes, we've already pulled out 3000 dead bodies".

"God knows how they got an armada together" - Basil Fawlty

"God has truly abandoned us"

"But Maria, it says here it's for dry hair, and I've already wet my own."

"At least I have world-leading drug policy and fish."

You can watch it US+1-day on a specific channel only available with a specific internet provider (fuck that). This internet provider is more expensive than the others from the get-go, but you have to pay extra to get the GoT channel...

Yes, father

Yes what?



Wait a bit over a year (lol) to watch it dubbed (eww) on an over-the-air channel that still requires a subscription (fuck that too).

Son you coming for summer break or we visit

Some I asume are great walls.

Phillip IV (1621 - 1665) and Count-duke of Olivares. His valido wanted to regain Spain's prestige, and attempted to do so aggressively by entering the 30 Years' War, which went alright at first but then they got massively fucked over by the French, who also had a deal with Cataluña, which had revolted, so even once the war had ended Spain and France still had beef together. This ended in the Peace of The Pyrenees, which lost Spain Rocellón and Cerdaña. Oh yeah, did I mention they also lost Portugal in 1640 (they revolted along with Cataluña and some other places because of the rough financial reforms installed to finance the war).

Phillip III (1598 - 1621) and the Duke of Lerma, basically wanted out from all the war business and formed truces, which led to the independence of the Netherlands (this may be wrong).

Charles II (1675 - 1700) ( his mum was regent for 10 years). This man was quite literally retarded. He did nothing except slowly lose more territories and die without an heir (he named Phillip of Borbón, which is the current dinasty).

All we got was a drunk Spaniard pointing his phone at his tv and streaming the entire episode.... while tipping his phone this way and that and jabbering and laughing in Spanish.

All we got was a drunk Spaniard pointing his phone at his tv and streaming the entire episode but only for mobile users while tipping his phone this way and that and jabbering and laughing in Spanish

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